3:02 PM

16 3 0

I still feel like puking.

That's what happens when you make stupid decisions (insert whatever you name is)

Why was that needed?

To make it more stern and judgmental. To let you know that you shouldn't do it again.

I see.

Are you going to the school dance tomorrow night?


If you are popular, you totally are..

You're right. I am going.

With anyone?

Carmen. I am flattered but I am not ready to tell you who I am yet.

Oh shut up. I was just wondering. I wouldn't want to go with you anyway. I probably don't know you.

Why? Would it make a difference if I was or wasn't going with someone? So why were you wondering?

I don't know.

You just want to know if I like you, huh? ;-)

It's reasons like this that I hate that I brought back the wink. But it's questions that I give that provoke it. So there is no one to blame but myself. That sucks really bad.

Admitting to your actions is a great start at becoming a decent human being.

Are you calling me undecent?

No. Just...making conversation.

This is confusing me.

Me too.

Should I come back when you are done barfing your heart out.




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