10:03 PM

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You're lucky the pool has hundreds of people surrounding it and most of them are on their phones!

I know.

Are you Mac?


Are you Thomas?

Ew. How could you ever think that?

He's a creep.

You have to remember I am only a creepist when I am with you!

I kinda doubt that but okay.

You believe what you want.

That's the great part of human life.

Oh no! Don't go deep on me, Carmen!

I love that kinda stuff so it's your unlucky day....whatever your name is. You remind me of my friend.

Which friend?



Are you seriously Matthew? Are you secretly one of my best friends?

Wouldn't you already have Mathew's number if I was one of your friends?

Matthew got a new phone! He said he got a new number too! I didn't get it yet! I swear if I find out it's you I will throw you a taco party.

That sounds delicious.

That sentence is something he would say. Are you in deep denial?


Tacos could be partying without you.

Too bad I'm not Matthew.

Aww. I thought this was the end.

It will be the end when I am ready or someone else frucks it up for me.


Yes, Frucks.


Don't judge me.

I am passed that. It's a little too late when you make creepy remarks and wink viciously through a phone.


You did it to yourself :-]

I know I did. It's better you get to see this side of me. The side no one else really gets to see to often. The side I try to hide to impress others. It's a stupid logic I put myself in and I am afraid of getting out of.

What happened to not going deep? Not that this is really that deep but, this sounds like it is deep for you.

You inspire me, I guess. 

Good to know. Are you a little tipsy? A lot of people here are drunk.

I am actually sober and I have escaped the pool area in just enough time for you not to seek me out.

If I wanted to play dirty like that I would just ask the party host who helped him set up and narrow it down from there. I mean, a drunk man's words are the truth and their thoughts, right? So trust me, I kinda like this thing we have going on too. As much as it drives me crazy I don't know your name, I want you to tell me yourself. Or you know, if someone frucks it up ;-)

From the way I have things planned, the reveal is about 3 chapters away bur that might change a little bit.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

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