3:32 PM

17 4 0

She won! She got the winning goal!

Yay! It was her brother's spirit and her girl power. I am most certain. Oh and a little bit of teamwork.


I am going to have to go to one of these eventually. I may be quiet but I have some ambition and spirit!

Oh I bet you do. I have seen your secret excitement about pep rallies.

Well it's not a secret anymore.

To everyone else it is. Has something made you have such spirit?

Nah, I just kind of want to cheer people on sense I can't do that for myself. So I secretly route for people and make bets on things with my friends. Oops, not supposed to tell.

I have no need to share that anyway. Your secret is safe with me. I like that you have inner spirit in your quiet shield. Over your phone you seem much more confident than in person.

Isn't that every body though?

I guess...you are really more outgoing though. Something I have never got to actually experience with you in person. It's my fault though.

That's because you know it's me and you still want to talk to me. Not many people are friendly to me.
Even with my friends I can be quiet. You should feel lucky I am opening up to you. I mean, I still have no idea who you even are.

I do feel lucky.


I wouldn't be surprised if you were disgusted with who I turn out to be.

If you have a valid reason for this so called disgust, I will gladly listen.

That's a relief.

I am not making any promises though. I mean, if you did something horrible, it I will have to really look into it all. I just hope you aren't a disappointed like you say you are.

Yeah...me too.

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