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You and Kakashi walked to the stumps to gather with the others. Suddenly you saw Naruto was tied to one of the stumps. You raise an eyebrow in confusion. What did he do to be tied to the stump?

Sasuke and Sakura both sitting on the ground, waiting for Kakashi. You walked past Kakashi and proceed to sit beside Sasuke. The said boy gave you a glance before he snorted. Slowly you move your eyes to look at the boy. Now, what's his problem with you? It's not like you didn't succeed having the bell from Kakashi-Sensei and now he tried to make fun of you or what?

"At least I'm not the one who buried under the ground like a true duck." You said monotone with your eyes close.

Sasuke went rigid and he gave you a murderous glance. Sakura glared at you for saying something like that toward  'her ' Sasuke while Naruto laughed full hearted.

"Get out of my way you weakling." Retorted Sasuke.

You calmly raise up your hand and dangled the bell in front of him. "You were saying?" Kakashi Sensei sighed while watching your antic.

"Now, none of you are going back to the academy!" He said cheerfully. Way too cheerfully. You cracked an eye to see him. There must be something more than that. You were sure of it.

"Really?! But all I did is faint and faint all over! Did you get point for that?" Sakura asked. Disbelieve and relief clearly showing in her voice.

" Hahahahahahahahaha! I knew it! " Naruto grinned like a total idiot while flailing his legs . Sasuke smirked cockily. You, you just closed your eyes and prepared for the worst.

"Yes! All three of you... JUST QUIT FROM BEING A NINJA!" Kakashi yelled in frustration. Knocking them out of their relief and happiness.

"WHAT?!" Sakura and Naruto yelled internally. Sasuke face went from cocky to piss. He totally pissed off with Kakashi this time. He was quick on his feet and threw himself towards Kakashi. Kakashi was undisturbed by his sudden attack caught his arms and twisted it behind his back while his leg stomped over Sasuke's head. Effectively disabled the lone survivor. Sasuke shrieked in shock and anger for what had just transpired infront of her.

"Hey! Don't step over Sasuke like he's some kind of bug!" Sakura tried to 'save' Sasuke.

"That's it! You all think like brat! You Naruto! You never think about what you are supposed to do! Charging like that, you think the enemies will let you off the hook?! Just let you be safe and unharmed?! No! They will kill you! You don't even accept others help when they offered ! Thinking that being a Hokage you need to work alone! Even the Hokage have their own assistant. " And... Kakashi started to lecture. You being yourself, unaffected by all of those yelling. Instead, you closed your eyes and started to meditate.

"Sakura!" Sakura yelped. "You didn't think for others! You only think about Sasuke! Even Naruto in front of you, you won't help him! Instead you ran here and there searching for Sasuke!"

"And lastly you!" Kakashi put more pressure over Sasuke's head. Sasuke grunted from the pain and his face scrunched up. You heard everything and yet your face doesn't betrayed anything.

"You think highly about yourself! You looks at others as if they were all beneath you . Like they were standing in your way and going to slow you down!"

Kakashi looked up and wondered why you looked so calm.

"Do you even know what is the purpose of this exercise?!"

A look of confusion crossed Sakura's and Naruto's face.


"Why do you think you were put into a team?"

[DISCONTINUED]The Unknown (Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now