Twenty Three

416 17 7

I am a horrible, lazy writer.  I am so sorry for those who hoping for a consistent updates from me.

'Woah, this Haku guy means business.' You gritted your teeth as you valiantly deflected his attack. Blocking out his senbon needles prove more challenge to you than blocking out kunai.

Sasuke too tried his hardest to evade Haku's attack. Ribbons of blood appeared when the senbon needles successfully grazed his skin. You know that you and Sasuke can't do this forever. Sasuke's words earlier rang in your head.

"You would be the one who will defend yourselves against our barrage of attacks, he said." You mocked.

Sasuke gave you his famous glare when he heard you were mocking his words. "You are not helping the situation!" He hissed.

You gave him a stink eye. "You said you are the top student in the academy, you should not need my help to defeat him." Oh, you are having so much fun teasing the Uchiha.

Sasuke opened up his mouth, no doubt he wanted to retort your earlier statement suddenly you lashed out your hand, sending a shuriken to his head, missing it by centimetres. A clang sounded as your shuriken collided with a senbon needle. "Hang in there beautiful." You smirked at him as he watched you agog.

Haku sent another wave of senbon needles. You reeled backward when a senbon needle decided to plunged deep into your eye. You panted to collect your breath. Cuts marred your skin, blood blooming up, leaving the stings feeling on your skin. You hissed in pain before you glared at the masked boy.

"Damn, that was close. If I didn't see that I could be a pirate." Speaking of pirate, you looked at Kakashi with the tail of your eye. He seemed to fare the better amongst your team. Well, he's a jounin, a famous one in fact, what could you expect?

When you saw Sasuke sprinting forward, you took your kunai out and started following him. You use Sasuke's body as a shield to obscure Haku's view from your form. Sasuke gave Haku a round house kick, sending him skidding a few feet away, with that you pushed your pounced at Haku and slashed him. The boy was caught on guard with your sudden attack, throwing his hands up to shield his body. Instead of slashing his throat as you had hope, or at least landed some fatal wound on him, you just slashed his hands.

"Foutre!" you hissed.

You shared a glanced with Sasuke, both know that fighting Haku alone will do no good. Teamwork it is then. Maybe, just maybe you can play nice with other. Both you and Sasuke charged towards Haku, both have a kunai in hand. Haku, clearly anticipating your move, he flashed to your side. He grabbed your arm and threw you to Sasuke. Really, what's with people in throwing you into others like a ragdoll? Sasuke nodded to you as you coming toward him. Caught what he was thinking, you held out an arm. He held you hand before he spun in his spot and threw you towards Haku in a high speed. You brought out your blades before spinning your body in the air. Sasuke's hot in your heels.

You blindly slashed at Haku. Suddenly the masked ninja was thrown to the side of the bridge. Your body soon crashed to the ground when the momentum was lost. You went on your knees, huffing and panting. A hand entered your vision; you smirked as you clamped your hand around it. He pulled you up and offered you a smirk.

"Not bad eh?"

He gave you a noise of agreement.

From Kakashi's side, Zabuza watched both you and Sasuke, shock painted his eyes. Haku never lost a fight in speed and he always pays a great attention to his surroundings. How could a couple of brats managed to bested him?

"You were wrong to call them brats Zabuza." Kakashi drawled. His voice effectively caught Zabuza's attention away from his students.

Kakashi adjust his form and face Zabuza with a straight back. "Sasuke is the best Genin in Konoha while (Y/N) is the most narcissist young lady who knows how to utilize her brain." He said, ignoring your shout of protest when you heard what he was saying. Sakura have the sharpest mind who can remember the facts she had read. Lastly, Naruto is the knuckle head, hyperactive ninja. Sometimes a total doofus but he has a good heart."

"Ceh, narcissist...he said." You grumbled.

Sasuke just rolled his eyes at your antic. "That is exactly what you are."

Zabuza does not look any impress at Kakashi's prattle. He turned to his apprentice(? ), tool(?) and let out a mocking laugh. "Now Haku, we should stop playing around with them. I had no desire to lose to them."

Haku gave him a confirmation before a sudden rush of chakra came out of Haku and started engulfing him in it. This chakra however, does not feel the same like the one that Haku kept manifesting while he was fighting you and Sasuke. What is this?

A cold wind caressed your hand, leaving shiver behind its wake. Sasuke then voiced your question. "Where does this cold air came from?"

Haku looked pointedly at your and Sasuke. His soft voice was almost drowning out by the cold blowing wind. "I apologised that it has come to this.

Sasuke shivered and kept rubbing his arms to keep it warm. You looked around, trying to detect any secret weapons that may or may not be train on you. You wondered what Haku means by that. What was he apologising for? The way he said it, they must using their back-up plan. They did not expect that your team will get this far. Anything he meant by that, this will turn out ugly, you know it.

"Secret Jutsu." Haku breathed out. Slowly, rising out of the ground, was ice. Forming tall big ice mirrors that surrounding you and Sasuke. You tried to escape but it was futile. The mirrors closing up on you faster than you like. Your breath came out in a puff of hot air, you slowly backing away from the masked boy. Oh boy, you did not like this situation.

"Crystal Ice Mirrors!" Oh boy, oh boy. Like any mirror, they reflect. Which mean bad news to the receiver and good news to the caster, this will be hard.

"Mirror, they are mirrors..." Sasuke dumbly stated.

"No shit Sherlock." Please, stop pointing out the obvious Captain Obvious.

Haku suddenly melted into one of the mirrors before his voice echoed all around you.

"Now, we can truly begin. I did promise you that you will be the one who will be dodging my attacks aren't I?" There a lilt in his voice that made your eye twitched in annoyance. Adrenaline pumped vigorously through your body. Partly from anticipation but mainly from fear. Haku pulled out his senbon needle and threw it to you and Sasuke. Both of your leapt out of the way, suddenly a thin ribbon of blood appeared on your hand before the sting registered by your mind.

Your eyes widened in alarm. What was that? You were sure that you had dodged the attack. Looking at Sasuke's look of disbelieve, you know that he too was confused.

Outside, Kakashi was internally fretting when he saw what kind of jutsu Haku had just casted. It was a Kekkei-Genkai!

Just your luck, Haku sent another barrage of senbon needle. You and Sasuke vigourously reflecting the attack from every sides. You felt one grazing your right brow; the wound was not fatal but pretty deep. You could tell by the amount of blood that gushing out of it into your eyes. You blinked rapidly to keep the blood from getting into your eye. You looked over your shoulder to see that Sasuke was faring better than you. Careless with your surroundings, some of the needles jabbed into your popliteal fossa. Making your legs buckled underneath you by the unexpected pain. You let out a pained gasp as your knees hit the ground hard.

Haku, readied a kunai to end your pathetic life before he stopped in a surprise manner. He was looking at something behind you and Sasuke.

One word.

Just one word.


[DISCONTINUED]The Unknown (Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now