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"So everyone, the reason why you are all here is about to be disclosed to you all." Julia Bradley begins with a plastered smile as she stands on the makeshift stage, her skin glowing against the moonlight.

All her guests are standing around in their various clusters, anticipation heavy in the air.

Courtney stands next to Scarlet at the back. Rachel is on her own while Dave and Payton stand right in front of her, hands clasped together. Kaitlain Cassidy is next to Trisha in the middle of the small crowd while Paige is completely on her own in the front of the crowd.

"Now is the time." Julia begins again, anxiousness and anticipation filling her veins as everyone gives her looks that makes her know they were hanging on her every word "My husband can't be here because he is out of town on a business trip." She says sadly "On a happier note, I want to make an announcement to you all. I am pleased to announce that my sons Lucas and Matthew are back." Julia's words ring out in the air happily.

As the words that Julia just said sinks in, the small crowd of guests erupts in happy cries but as for five girls, it's not the same.

From the expressionless face of Courtney to the Shocked face of Scarlet then the 'who cares?' face of Rachel to the 'they're back to cause more trouble'  face of Kaitlain Cassidy and finally, the gleeful grin of Paige.

The two boys come onto the makeshift stage and stand on either side their mother. Lucas stands on his mother's right while Matt stands at her left. Lucas looks exactly the way Courtney left him back in the kitchen while Matthew looks equally as dashing with his wavy brown hair, piercing dark brown eyes and perfect smile. Handsome and dreamy as ever.

"As you can all see, my sons are back in Lakewood after all these years. I'm sure you will all try your best to make both of them feel welcomed again." Julia beams, her right hand resting on Lucas's shoulder while she pushed a lock of her dirty blonde hair behind her ear with her left hand.

"I simply cannot believe this!" Rachel seethes as her fists clench and she mumbles under her breath "So this woman thows such an expensive party just to welcome her sons back home! Rich people! I will never understand them!"

Scarlet stares in anger at the reason her best friend and her will never be the friends they once were. She forces her eyes away from the devil himself and looks towards Courtney. Courtney returns her gaze with one that implies ever-lasting hatred in relation to Lucas Bradley.

"Well then, I will leave you all to get re-acquainted with my sons again." Julia says with another plastered smile as she takes her left hand back from Lucas's shoulder.

Julia enters into the crowd of guests who scatter and go back to whatever they were doing before and then Lucas joins the party. He talks to several people, laughing sometimes but occasionally looking over at Courtney who is talking to Kaitlain Cassidy.

Paige on the other side, is still smiling like a fool to herself and takes small deliberate yet crooked steps towards Matthew, almost tripping on her heels a few times. Matthew is about joining the crowd when Paige taps him on the shoulder and he turns around.

"Hi Matt!" She says smiling at him, her happy stare never once faltering as she felt her body overcome with excitement by just looking at him. He really was back, her mind echoed.

"Paige?" Matt says in recognition, a bit stunned to see her as he squints his eyes.

"Y-you still r-recognize me?" Paige stutters, the smile on her face not wavering even once.

"Of course!" Matt pats her shoulders and then stares at her a little intensely, his eyes still squinted "Wait, I hope you are Paige and not your twin um what was her name again?" Matt snaps his fingers in an effort to recall as his eyes widen.

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