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"Who are you texting?" Kaitlain Cassidy asks Trisha who is bent over her phone and giggling to herself, forcing Trisha to look up at her, an apology embedded in her small black eyes.

"The love of my live." Trisha coos with a broad smile, revealing a pair of perfectly white teeth.

"Oh." Kaitlain Cassidy shoots her an uneven smile "Well I don't know about you Trisha but I for one came here to have breakfast. Waiter!" Kaitlain Cassidy looks away from Trisha and motions the waiter to come over to her table.

In the early hours of the morning, Trisha Lane had woken her best friend Kaitlain Cassidy up because she had an 'emergency' that was of upmost importance. So Kaitlain Cassidy had dragged her exhausted self from last night's exhausting party out of bed, quickly took a shower, put on her skinny jeans, a black tank top and flats because her feet still ached a bit and left her home. She rushed out so quickly that she didn't even have the luxury to fix her hair into anything other than a messy bun, apply makeup or even take off her enormous and gorgeous engagement ring that she never left home with for reasons best known to her.

So Kaitlain Cassidy rushed over to Trisha's house to tackle the 'emergency' Trisha was worried about. Turns out, Trisha's version of an emergency is deciding the picture to send to the love of her life! She had two sensual pictures she couldn't decide between and decided to recruit Kaitlain Cassidy's assistance which made Kaitlain Cassidy very angry, naturally.

In order to make it up to Kaitlain Cassidy for calling her so early and waking her up for a not-so-important cause, Trisha decided to treat Kaitlain Cassidy to breakfast at her favourite diner; Rodios.

"So did you finally decide on a picture to send to that love of your life?" Kaitlain Cassidy asks as her forefinger taps against the edge of the table, her brown eyes painted with plain disinterest.

"Well, yes." Trisha states, her wide grin still intact "This one." Trisha hands her phone over to Kaitlain Cassidy.

Kaitlain Cassidy takes it reluctantly, her eyes widening as she stares at Trisha's sultry look through the phone, her black China doll eyes squinting suggestively while her teeth bit down on her full bottom lip as her huge double D boobs spilled out of her sexy red lace bra.

This picture was anything but censored and definitely not child appropriate.

Kaitlain Cassidy quickly hands Trisha's phone back to her, her eyebrows giving her a questioning look in the process.

"So why exactly are you sending a picture of yourself to this dude, Trish? Especially one like this." Kaitlain Cassidy's eyelids crease at Trisha, her finger still tapping against the table "Are you two online dating or something?"

"Of course not! My relationship is as real as anybody's!" Trisha insists, her full lips pursing together in annoyance, unsure whether to be offended or not.

Kaitlain Cassidy had that effect on people. She would offend you but do it in such a manner that you feeling insulted seemed to please her and you found yourself lost on how to truly feel or better put, how much to let her see that you truly felt.

"If  you say so." Kaitlain Cassidy shrugs, turning over to look towards the counter again "Where is the waiter? Waiter!" Kaitlain Cassidy calls again, her fingers curling together in annoyance "What kind of service are these people rendering if they can't even come over and take orders?"

"Calm down Kay!" Trisha attempts to placate her "They are probably busy. It's still early afterall." Trisha bites down on her lower lip as the last words escape her mouth, her eyes quickly looking away from Kaitlain Cassidy.

"Yes! It is early!" Kaitlain Cassidy snaps, her eyes now fixed on Trisha "Too bad some people don't take this into consideration before waking a person up by 5:30am claiming to have an emergency!"

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