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"Oh great! This place again." Paige exclaims and turns towards Courtney, her face pale "Let's go back Courtney. I don't feel safe here."

Courtney parks the car and then turns off the ignition before looking over to Paige and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder while looking at her softly.

"Paige, I know you are scared but we have to do this. We just have to find that bracelet."

"Can't we just come back here during the day? Does it have to be at night?" Paige says, her voice feeble as her upper lip tightened.

"It's better this way Paige, it will draw less attention and as you know, this is a very nosy town." Courtney's hand moves away from Paige's shoulder as her eyes narrow "Besides, we are already here and your dress is already ruined. Don't let that go in vain. Now let's go."

Courtney opens her car door and then steps out of it, taking in the eerie darkness. It was a chilly night and the iciness clung to Courtney's pale skin the minute it hit her, making goosebumps appear on her body instantly.

"Fine!" Paige mutters as she steps out as well, slamming the door shut when she does. She really had a bad feeling about all this.

"Leave your purse in the car." Courtney quickly says as she moves towards her, pointing to the black suede purse in Paige's slim right hand "It's better that way."

Paige gives her a smug expression in response causing Courtney to let out an irritated sigh as her nose wrinkled.

"We wouldn't want another thing to drop Paige." Courtney reminds her. "Now would we?"

"Certainly not." Paige mutters, her eyes downcast in agreement as she opens the car door and places her purse on her seat then closes it once again, gently this time.

"It's really chilly tonight, why oh why did I wear this dress?" Paige curses under her breath as she crosses her hands over each other and clasps them over her upper arms, rubbing slowly in an effort to insulate her naked skin. She walks quickly over to Courtney.

"For the record, if something like this ever comes up again, I am picking out your wardrobe." Courtney tells her "Now, let's go."

Courtney reaches down and takes her black stilettos off, the rhinestones on her top bodice glittering against the moonlight as she bends over. Paige just stares at her perplexed, her forehead wrinkling in the process.

"Why are you taking your shoes off? Paige asks, slightly aghast as she glances down at Courtney, her left eyebrow raised as her hands still clutched onto her cold body.

"Silly girl! You can't walk the woods in high inch stilettos you know?" Courtney mocks as she stares down at Paige's feet which she can't really see very well due to the full length white gown Paige is putting on but she knows Paige is definitely wearing heels. She's Paige Miller afterall, if she doesn't wear heels, who will?

"Says who?" Paige rolls her eyes at Courtney in plain disagreement.

"Anyone with a functioning brain!" Courtney shoots back, an uneven smile appearing on her lips as she feels the earth beneath her feet.

The earth was moist beneath Courtney's feet but slightly rough as well. It didn't feel too rough but not too soft either. Courtney extends her toes as the coolness engulfs her feet, curling it within the sand in the process and then she looks up at Paige.

Now that Courtney was without her heels, she couldn't help but feel quite intimidated by Paige's staggering six foot height especially with Paige having her own heels on. Standing next to Paige Miller would make anyone below 5'9 feel short.  Paige was definitely tall, it was no wonder she had made her own small fortune from modelling.

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