Ripped open stitches

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'Daddy is going down to make sure everyone is healthy down there sweetheart.' His mother stepped toward him, took his hand and walked him down the stairs, where daddy was waiting. Wearing a black blouse and green jeans and a pair of high brown mountain boots. 'Daddy gonna save them mommy?' Little Will asked his mother, her face stained with tear trails. 'Yes honey, give daddy a hug and wish him good luck. He'll come a back a hero!' Daddy smiled at his gorgeous wife, pressing a kiss on her forehead. He went to sit on his knees, Will's level, and took him by the shoulders. 'Listen to me boy. I will make those men better, if you take care of your mom okay? Deal?' 'Okay daddy', Will smiled, rapping his arms around his fathers neck. He felt the warmth against his chest, and the cold when he got released again. 'Go back to your cars now, they can't drive without an amazing driver like you', father complimented his son. And Will ran up the stairs again. Still hearing his mother talking to his father. 'You will come back a hero right?' 'No pit is deep enough to keep a man from his true love.'


Will shoots up in his chair, wiping the sleep from his eyes. The lights of the classroom are almost blinding, but the shadow of Miss Valencia' huge body keeps against enough of it to make him capable of seeing.


Will covers his ears against the loud voice of his math teacher.


'Yes Miss, I understand', Will yawns.


Will quickly opens his workbook, seeking for the right page.

'I had, X is 27 Miss.'

'Hallelujah, someone woke up, now stay awake will you.'

With a blushing pink face, Will starts to copy every note he missed during his little nap. Normally he never falls asleep in class, 'cause it's just dumb. And especially with a teacher like Miss Valencia. There had been a rumour going through school before saying her dad was Bigfoot, and she didn't like the cold so she moved to Mervy. And if you'd see her, you can't help but laugh and agree that it actually is possible.

'Dude, you got some drool', Jake grins, pointing at Will's chin.

Will carefully and quick wipes it off, praying to all the gods no one has seen it. Sure everyone saw how he slept, and got woken up by an actual monster. But drooling? That's embarrassing. Without drawing to much attention to himself he turns slightly to his left. A couple of tables away from him is Monica. She's writing in her notebook, and seems actually interested in what Bigfoot's daughter has to say. Her blond hair keeps getting in the way of her eyes, and Will can't help but smile while she continuingly needs to wipe the hair behind her ear.

'I mean, you stare like a pro man. You don't look like a pedophile waiting to get to his target at all', Jake jokes, facing the bord but talking to Will.

Who now focusses back on his notebook, knowing Monica hasn't noticed the drooling. The things he has written down are bullshit, but his mind is somewhere in the evening. With the pits.

'Are you coming to the skate park after school?' Jake whispers.

Valencia's eyes are focused on him and Will, and won't lose track of every movement they make. So Will keeps writing random formula's and numbers combined with letters like they do in maths, and Jake continues to stare at the board, frowning like he is deeply thinking about the question that has been written down in it.

'Well?' He repeats.

'I don't know', Will sighs.

He doesn't feel like going to the skate park at all. It is the hang spot for all the kids of their age to skate, graffiti or just make out with their girl- and boyfriends.

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