Devil on your doorstep

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'Come on dude, let that shit slide. He was a pussy, didn't even skate!' Rob shouts skating in front of Jake who is sitting on a wooden bench.

'He was my best friend you dick, he doesn't deserve to be in there.'

'Oh please. Everyone in there deserves to be in there. So what did he do huh?'

Jake did not have the courage to tell Rob the real story. He would only laugh and explain how it's still Will's own fault. He never had any respect for the Pitters or their families. He always saw them as corrupt. What makes Rob a real follower of the major.

'Nothing really', Jake dryly responds waving the subject off.

It's early in the morning, and the best time to skate. But even crawling out of bed that morning cost Jake all his energy and motivation. And oh how he hated it to eat breakfast with his parents looking at him like he was suffering some disease that could kill him any second. Full of pity. Horrible if you asked him. Jake loved positivity, rainbows and unicorns way better than the drama he was living in right now. All he wanted was his best friend back to him. So he could skate and know that Will would be close watching him, coming up with new love poems over Monica.

'You're not skating today?' Monica screamed from her standard spot next to Louisa.

Jake can understand why Will likes her. She's pretty in general, but not as girly as the rest of the class. Yet there is something about her that Jake despises. Something in her attitude. Like she knows what you think of her, and she doesn't care.

'Nah', Jake mumbles back.

'Where is that dude that shaves his butthole?' Monica laughs, referring to Will.

'The Pit.'

She falls silent as they look at each other. There isn't really any emotion to be spotted in her face. And once again Jake feels the despise again as she nods and turns back to Louisa.

'He must've earned it.'


'They are going to skin him. You coming?' Robin announces Will.

Will was actually considering not going, and just spending his morning sitting against the dirt wall. Probably slowly dying from hunger throughout the days. He hadn't even thought about that until this moment. All the Pitters, except for the old couple, are gathering around the corpse of the dead old man, waiting for their part of breakfast.

Yet he still crawls up, grabbing Robin's hand in support. But Robin doesn't let go anymore. Not because Will is to weak. Just because. Support.

The body is pale white, and Skinny has already removed all the man's clothes. Everything is visible except for the face which is still covered with the piece of cloth. There is no blood. The neck was broken neatly and not in a fight, like Will heard in the conversations the two men had last night.

As Skinny walks up at last, Will can't look at him normally. That man killed a human being, and it makes Will feel sick in the stomach. Don't even think of what he was still about to see. So Will only focuses on the body, looking so peaceful on the sand. And the support of Robin's hand connected with his.

Nosy is standing closest to the body, thirsty looking. Ready for any type of fluid to silence that need for water. Even blood.

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