Vampire liquor

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As the sun rose, so did Will. The warmth he had felt coming from Robin's bare chest was gone, and as he opened his eyes he noticed Robin had left. He was alone with Nosy, sitting up straight, but looking even worse than the day before. His lips were slices of open meat and the amount of sand stuck to his face with sweat made him look like he was wearing a beauty mask against pimples or something. Will had seen girls wear those on Instagram pictures.

Will's phone revealed that it was only seven in the morning, and most of the Pitters were sound asleep.

'I'm sorry you had to hear it', Nosy mumbled.

Will looked up from his phone, not even having noticed the kid was awake. But his words brought him back to the night before, and in a rush he turned to the middle of the Pit, Where last night he had thought the voices had come from. It was just a couple of meters from the middle, more to the left side of the circle. An old man's body lay on the sand, a dark brown cloth covering his face. But the wrinkles on his arms gave away his old age.

'Why did they kill him', Will asked full disbelieve.

'To eat.'

'That's inhuman.'

The kid nodded, shrinking with pain, probably caused by the broken nose injury.

'I wouldn't look if they skin him. I don't either.'

Will looked further around the Pit, inspecting the ones he hadn't really paid attention to yet. There was no one younger than Nosy, but there was one old couple, chatting while seeking for worms like Robin had done the night before.


Will noticed him too, talking to the Skeleton. Every time Will saw the Skeleton, goosebumps appear. It's just not healthy being so thin and breakable like glass, but still walking around and looking worried over other people. 'Cause that's exactly what he does.

Robin seems very worried, and his black curls stick to his forehead by the sweat that the early sun has already created. He was making huge hand movements, expressing himself toward the paper man. Who just nods and taps his boney fingers tops.

After a while Robin shakes the man's hand thankfully, and starts walking back up to Will and Nosy. Not looking any less concerned. Even more maybe.

'Good morning', he fake happily cheers sitting down next to Will.

'Oh please, just tell what's up.'

Robin sighs caught. Looking from the corner of his eye to Nosy, who is making the mud ball from earlier bigger and bigger. Not focussed on the two boys at all. Being a normal kid.

'He'll die if it won't rain today', Robin mumbles to the ground.

But Will can hear him clearly, not shocked. You can see that the young boy isn't healthy or strong enough. And his skin get paler every minute it almost seems.

'What about the worms? They have blood right? That's drinkable.'

'We can never find enough worms to save him in the situation he's in right now', Robin quickly responds. He has had the same idea before.

Will points at the old man's body at their left.

'What about him?'

'Will he's a kid! We can't just force him to drink blood from a dead man.'

Will sighs and leans back against the wall thinking. It's an horrific plan, he knows, but aren't they desperate? If he would be on the edge of dying, he'd drink all of it if that meant getting back to his mother.


'He keeps throwing up. Understandable. That shit is disgusting.'

'Well he has no choice', Will strictly decides. 'It's either piss or blood, his choice.'

Robin looks at him with disbelieve. And his eyes make Will think back of Jake, but he swallows the pain that that memory brings with it. And Robin swallows his standpoint and turns to Nosy, still creating a mud ball.

'Hey boy. Look...'

'I know', Nosy interrupt him. 'I'll die if I don't drink his blood right?'

And Robin can't do anything but nod.

'I always liked vampires. It's okay. I'll drink when they eat', and he turns back to playing like it's regular day life.

Only now Will understands what the Pit can do to even a little boy like Nosy. Or whatever his real name may be. And almost automatically he starts to prepare for what horror is still about to come. He could close his eyes from it, but that meant walking away from Robin's side. And he could see that even he was struggling with the kid needing to drink blood from a corpse.

And weirdly, Will could not bare the idea of leaving Robin alone in a moment like this. He looked to much like Jake. And Jake had been there for him through everything. Oh how he hoped he was there for his mother now.

Oh how he hoped he himself could be there with his mother now.


'You don't need to be here Jake.'

'My mom wanted you to have this cake. She stood in the kitchen for it all morning. There are raisins in it, and chocolate, and I told her that you like Vanille because you always smell like it. It was a wild guess so I hope it's okay. It's still warm so that might make it more...'

'Thank you Jake. But please, don't feel like it's your fault.'

'....but what if I went with him? Wouldn't his changes been better than?'

'You don't have changes there. You have mud, death and good people turning bad.'

'He won't be bad.'

'I know.'

'He won't die.'

'I know.'

'Than what are you afraid of Miss?'

'I'm afraid of being alone Jake. I've always been. My husband was a social man, and he was friends with the whole neighbourhood. People see me like that too, while actually, I'm very shy and I prefer to be alone. Yet I fear loneliness way more than death.'

'People love you too much to leave you alone.'

'I know you do. You and your angel mother would bring me pie's every day until I don't fit in my own home anymore. Wouldn't you?'

'We have a deal on that one.'

'Now, would you mind watching this serie with me. I normally watch it with William but...'

'Of course! And why not a piece of pie with it?'


Memory hole

Only dirt between our souls
No scoop big enough to conquer
I draw your face in soft sand
In my memory fall holes
Can't remember the form of your nose
Or the way you wear your clothes
Can't recall the sparkle in your eyes
Or the way you told your lies
Slowly fading
And the dirt forms into brain
Replaces empty parts of me
Like your two meters away
But I'm held back by a chain

~ Me

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