Facing An Angel

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'Hey man, how's life?' Jake excitedly asks standing in front of Will's front door.

While tries to respond but is to focused on tying his shoelaces which are in a knot to be heard and he needs to repeat his answer.

'Ah you know how it is. Rainbows, unicorns and glitter cannons.'

'What made you want to come with me? Is it that Monica's there?' Jake asks curious, closing Will's door behind Will's back as he steps out.

'My mom, but is she there though?' Will reacts surprised.

Obviously, he knows Monica hangs there every day at the same times. He knows all her tricks and skills on the board, and with how she makes which jokes. Don't see him as a stalker now. Just an observer.

'Hell yeah dude. So I beg you, don't start about yesterday night okay? The Pit isn't a popular subject in the park. Or anywhere else on this planet called Earth.'

'Cool', Will accepts, waving his mom goodbye, who is once again standing behind the same window as always, waving him goodbye in her flowery dress.

The skatepark is close to Jake's house, and just a little further from Will's. So the two have enough time to talk about a band they both listen, which is soon having a concert in a town nearby.

'I heard the lead singer painted his hair orange', Jake informed excited.

And they passed by some houses and walked into the gates around the park.

'That's so ironic, because they are called 'pineapple princes' right?'

'Exactly!' Jake laughs again.

The trees of the park made everything shadowy in the morning sun. And the smell of fresh grass is irresistible to keep inhaling. Tiny little dandelions are starting to pop from the ground, and the park is getting it's summery colour back again. Birds and squirrels are running and flying around in the tops of the trees, and they make leaves drop on the path. A couple of meters away is the skate part. The government never accepted to place real skate objects on the field. So all the skaters got together and build their own, wooden ramps to jump off and iron horizontal poles to slide over. Will knows everything has a name, but he has no clue which.

There are already some teenager showing off their skills. A guy named Rob, Will knows him pretty well. He is a tight friend of Jake, and the best skater in the neighbourhood. Always wearing the same dark blue jeans and grey hoodie, and his helmet of course. Safety first.

When Will and Jake make their up to the skating area, Rob already spots them and skates up to them.

'Hey brothers, coming here to get your asses kicked? Prepare yourself, I massaged my leg this morning, so I'll kick harder than usual.'

Jake laughs and greets the guy with a short guy hug, and a harsh comeback.

'Great, started the worry you might be a chick.'

The two laugh, Will awkwardly walking behind them. Not that social. Or humorous. Reaching the skate area, Will plants his butt on an iron pipe no one seems to be using. From the corner of his eyes he can see Monica and her friend Louisa on a higher object, of which he has no clue what it is made for. She is as beautiful as always, a blue sweatshirt, simple jeans, and a flashy red helmet shining in the morning sunlight. The blond strokes of her hair are still visible, moving gracefully in the wind.

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