Skeleton man

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Jake showed up at Will's house just on time. He looks way to happy, like they'd go and see a movie together. The hunger games. Ironic huh.

'Ready?' Jake asks carefully.

He doesn't know that Will's mother is aware of where they are going. And she is standing right behind Will in the door opening.

'She knows', Will let's him know, pointing to his mom behind him.

And the corners of Jake's mouth drop into a serious face. Will needs to give it to him, he can act. He steps outside and turns to his mom, wearing her pyjama's already. He forced her to put those on, so she could just fall asleep on the couch to not constantly be worrying over him. Will knows she wants to say a lot to him, bu what are the right words?

'Have fun.'


'Be home before dark.'


'Don't die.'


But she decides to keep it with 'see you later boys.' And she closes the door, leaving her son and Jake alone in the falling darkness of the night. There are no stars yet, but the sun in slowly disappearing, and the two have to hurry if they actually want to see anything at the Pit. So they start walking, and while Jake brings up music they both enjoy, and a party he recently went to, Will barely hears what he has to say. Both mind and body focused on different things. Questions floating everywhere around him, filling up all the tiny empty spaces in his brain. While his body moves forward like a robot on auto pilot. And everything is okay, until the thoughts get drifted off by the sound of screaming.

'We're here', Jake grabs Will's shoulder so he doesn't bounce against the crowd of people surrounding the hole in the ground. Will looks up, reaches out his neck and get's absolutely thrown of his path realising the amount of people coming to watch a bread fall. Thousands of people, creating a gigantic circle around the edge. Goosebumps appear on Will's arms, thinking of how close they are to a drop that would mean their ending.

'See these men in the police suits? They make sure no one throws the major down with them.'

Will has to stand on the tips of his toes to be able to look over all the heads of people in front of him. Him and Jake are a couple of meters away from the Pit, and the screaming is deafening even though the people on the ground are meters and meters away from their level. He shots out the noise and focusses on the police officers, who also create a tiny circle around the mayor.

For years and years the man was hated by all. And everyone seemed disgusted by his plan of throwing people into a hole in the ground. It is a terrifying plan of course, taking someone's life, but not. You let them live, only to die. And the civilians threw in his windows, graffitied everything he owned and the death threatening notes rolled in. Until a pedophile, the 42 year old Toby Silverman, who had raped over twelve young girls, got send to prison with the punishment of 6 years. Everyone went even more mad than, realising the man would walk around again after six years, and even less if he behaved. When the good old Mayor suggested to throw the man in the Pit, no one shook their head. So when the man was in, balloons were blown and garlands were thrown after him. Mervy supported the major fully, and the rest of the world rolled with it, afraid of the mayor's messed up mind. And what he'd do if they'd fight against him.

Toby decided to escape the Pit. He took the rope of the garlands and choke himself with it. After screaming the words he went into the history books with:

'Take off your goggles, and look at who that sweet major of yours really is! Don't you see the horns? The tail? The fork? The red glow over his face? You are facing the devil himself, but praise him like he's God! I spit on all of you!'

DIRT ~ finishedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang