No patience

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'How is he?' Will asked worried, pointing at the napping Nosy.

His nose had started to look infected. The spot where the bone is to see, is blown up and blue, pus running down from it.

'The wound is causing a hell load of pain', Robin groans.

Will can see the pity for the little kid in his eyes. It seems as if they are really close, brothers maybe. But Robin has already told that the kid was just another Pitter he met when entering. He needed help, and Robin needed companionship. Who cares it was from an eight year old?

'The men are targeting him. Young, wounded and already sentenced to die. They have enough reason.'

Will shakes his head non agreeing, 'they can't do that! He's just a kid.'

'And a criminal', Robin adds, turning away from Nosy.

Robin has soaked his shirt in the dead man's blood, to cool the feverish boy down. And now he is kneeling next to him. Sand sticking to his naked upper body. There is no place where sand doesn't go. It's been rubbing between Will's butt cheeks for hours now.

'You know how the guy got in here?'

'No', Will responds, getting curious.

What real criminal activity can a young boy like Nosy do, to end up with a death penalty.

'He murdered a classmate.'

Will's mouth falls open. Desperate not to believe Robin he stares at the kid. The thin little arms, the terrible looking wound on a little kid's face. Innocent as it can be. A murderer?

No. Not possible.

Yet Robin's face is serious. And Will can't imagine him lying to him either. So he listens.

'Nosy had cowboy boots, like...if you're okay with me referring to him...your father did. With these pointy stars at the top. Some bully tore down a tower that Nosy had made out of jenga stones. Real hard and time consuming work. He got so mad he kicked the little son of a bitch. The star cut into his leg.'

'How did THAT end him?'

'The fella had a blood decease. It was thinner than blood like ours. So when it started to stream, it wouldn't stop. In the time Nosy got to a grown up, the kid was bled out, and the grown up snitched Nosy to the Pit guards', Robin breathed in heavily after not inhaling throughout the story.

'', is all Will can come up with.

How do you react to this kind of news?

But Robin finds it a perfect answer and he grins. The white teeth once again throw Will off his path. Stupid Pit. Messing with his head like that.

'You are one special piece', Robin whispers, more to himself than Will.

But Will hears it, and a smile pops up that won't be going off for a while. He can feel that. Yet he can also feel the sand rubbing places he'd rather not be rubbed. He starts to scratch everything that itches, which only causes it to itch worse.

'The sand has no mercy', Robin sighs.

He takes off his sneaker and flips it around. A pile of sand falls onto the ground, and Robin puts the emptied shoe back on again.

The two boys laugh together over the sand reaching all the nasty spots, until Will notices the Skeleton walk up to one of the unknown Pitters. The old woman Will saw before. Her husband at her side, looking completely terrified and frozen as the Skeleton stands above her.

'You....' he whispers with his deep broken voice.

Will taps Robin on his shoulder and points at the activity. Something is about to go down, it's hanging in the air.

'You took the arm', the man continues.

And all of a sudden the woman bursts out into tears. Streaming down like water, and her total body collapsing like something is pushing her into the ground. Her short white hair is weakly hanging on her head, and her mouth is wide opened while she calls for mercy.

'I'm a horrible horrible person! You have the right. You have the goddamn right to end it for me! I WANT you to.'

The screaming doesn't seem to impress the man, only making him face palm.

'The arm was for the dying. The sick kid. Yet you eat it? Why woman? Why take a man's life to live yourself?'

'EVERYONE HERE TAKES LIVES. Kill each other with their bare hands. And the meat, I needed it just as bad.'

'LIES', the Skeleton unexpectedly raises his voice and points at the ground.

'The flames are waiting for you. And they are inpatient', and he is now waving at Skinny a couple of meters behind him.

The big muscled man steps toward the woman, clearly knowing what to do. Will wants to turn away before the dead is done. But his body won't listen, like it knows more shit will happen throughout his time down in the Pit. He just needs to face it.

So Will watches Skinny lay his gigantic hands on the woman's neck and twitching it around smoothly. Bone breaking. And the dead woman's husband steps back petrified, as his wife's body drops on the ground. No life in it.

Something in Will's mind snaps, and without showing the terror in his eyes he turns to Robin.

'I'm getting out of here.'

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