Chapter 5

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By the time Saturday night came about, Kiera was feeling a lot more confident in the prospect of going out. All the way home, she experimented with the grass growing by the pavement, feeling a swell of pride when it sprouted noticeably thicker, greener and stronger. She didn't think the smile had left her face since she closed up Corsinn's. Needless to say, the flowers in the shop had all reached the pique of their lives- and will continue that way for quite some time if Kiera had anything to say about it.

Walking up the stairs to her flat, Kiera rolled her eyes at the loud, obnoxious rap music coming from next door, booming through the walls. But, halting at her apartment , she got an idea.

"What do you want?" The man peaked from the gap of the door, shrouded in darkness. The music still played, if quieter. 

Kiera plastered a smile on her face, staring up at him. "Hi! I don't believe we have met before, but I'm Kiera, I'm your neighbour! I live just there." Kiera pointed behind her, to her door.

The man relaxed a bit, failing to spot her as a threat. Opening the door wider, he stepped further out, resting his forearm against the door frame. "So?" His response was gruff, sharp and aggressive. He stood slightly over her, moving to intimidate her. If only he knew.

"So, as we share a wall," -Kiera chuckled- "I was wondering if you would mind turning the music down a bit?" Kiera watched as the man scoffed at her, not even considering her request. If only he knew.

"I can play my music as loud as I want, you can't tell me what to do." The man moved to close the door. Only, Kiera's foot was in the way.
"Hi, sorry, I think you misunderstood. It wasn't optional." Kiera punctuated her sentence with a small smile. The man looked down in disbelief before his face stormed, turning a hateful glare her way.

"Hey, look here you little bitch!" The man slammed open the door and shouted in her face, spittle flying out as he raged at Kiera.
Kiera's smile turned dangerous, as she calmly stepped inside. At that point, the man attempted to shove her but was met with an unseen force pushing him against the wall, pressing him tight as Kiera smoothly closed the door. "Now then, my good friend. Do follow." Kiera strolled into the living room and released her grip on the man. She heard his disbelieving mutterings as she waited for him. The front door rattled. He was trying the handle but of course, it wasn't going to open for him. Slowly, he walked into the room, fear palpable as he gaped at Kiera.

"Please sit." The man submissively obeyed, shaking a bit as he took a seat on his sofa. "So, what's you name?" Kiera's eyes glittered as she spoke to him. She would teach him a lesson.
"K-k-Kyle, miss." Kiera almost laughed at the added 'miss'. He kept a repetitive action with his hands, continually wiping them on his jeans and avoiding her eyes. How his attitude changed when confronted with fear. 
"You know, Kyle, I could really hurt you." Kyle's eyes widened and his breath faltered as his brain processed what she could do. 
"Miss- Kiera- Please don't! I'll be nicer, I'll-I'll turn my music down, anything! Please don't-"
"But I won't." Kiera silenced Kyle's stammering. Turning to the speaker, she grabbed it from the cabinet it rested on. Walking over to Kyle, Kiera dropped it in his lap.

"Destroy it." Kiera watched his eyes grow yet wider, looking at her incredulously. He clutched the speaker close.

"What? No, no way." The smile returned to Kiera's face, eluding a threat of violence Kyle didn't need to be vocalised.

"Destroy it, Kyle." Kiera's eyes narrowed, a thin smile saturating her lips. Kyle's breaths came out shakily as he glanced once more at the speaker in his hands. Then, without warning, he jumped from the couch and lifted it high over his head, before slamming it down into the floor. Again and again he slammed it, maiming it, until it was nothing more than a jumble of parts laying broken on the floor. He sat amongst the carnage, staring in disbelief at what she had made him do. She started to walk out, but before exiting fully, heard the whispered question of "What are you?" Kiera laughed to herself. She was judgement.

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