Chapter 40

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~Does 40 count as a milestone? I'm counting it as a milestone~
Thank you for reading this far! Every vote, comment, read is amazing :') Sorry I haven't been updating recently, but hopefully I'll be back on schedule soon :D

I realise I haven't really done any author's notes before, but I'd just like to say


And I hope you keep reading! (Story is far from done ;) )
Finally, of course, constructive criticism is wonderful, always looking to improve <3

On with the story!


Kiera climbed into bed, but she didn't dare to sleep just yet. She sat upright in her night dress, knees drawn to her chest, leaning against the headboard. She hugged her legs closer to her, absent-mindedly gazing out the window. The night was still young, the sky still dahlia and still alight with millions of twinkling stars. She remembered the promise that had been made for her, and she knew it wouldn't be broken. She had faith that Mera would visit her. Mera wouldn't break his vow.

She watched the stars as they watched tracked across the sky. She watched the colour drain, the slow silent crawl of the onyx stain as it claimed the sky and covered like a shroud.

But eventually, Kiera found it hard to keep her eyelids open. She didn't know how long she had waited up for, but it felt like an eternity. With a resigned sigh, Kiera slipped down into her bed sheets, giving up her wait. She felt like a pit had opened up in the base of her stomach, and was slowly tugging her good thoughts awry. Curling up, pulling her knees up to her chin, Kiera pulled the covers above her head and was gently pulled into a dreamless sleep.

Today's dress was lilac. Sitting in front of the mirror, Analise explained Kiera's day today whilst doing her hair.

"Analise?" Analise's brushing faltered before giving Kiera a light smile in the mirror.


"How long are you here for? Until you enter the Abyss?"
Analise's eyes flickered down, seemingly caught off guard. Suddenly she was very focused on brushing Kiera's hair.

"62 years." Kiera tried to catch her eye in the mirror, but Analise still wouldn't look up. Curiously, a small smile adorned her face.

A silence stretched between them.

"Does it scare you?" Analise shrugged in the mirror, her small shoulders moving up and down.
"There is not a lot of things to be scared of, but I supposed that is one of those things." Analise's words came out barely above a whisper. "I suppose it would be a relief. No more pain. No more hardship. No more serving..." Analise trailed off. She would not meet Kiera's eyes in the mirror. Instead, Kiera found her mind wandering. 60 years is a long time. On earth, that's almost a lifetime. How much time did she have left? Kiera wanted to ask but found the words stuck in her throat. She wasn't ready to know.


Having some free time after lunch, Kiera decided to go look for Shelia once more, having last time being distracted by both the library and Mera. She had enough of a general knowledge of the layout of the keep to guess what rooms certain servants would be in. What's better was, that she was alone again. Privacy was something precious here.

Standing in the foyer, Kiera walked to the stairs. Instead of climbing them, however, she walked behind them. There, hidden away, was a nondescript wooden door, much like the doors in the rest of the Keep. Pushing through, there was a distinct difference to be seen in the hallway beyond.

Analise had pointed it out to her along the tour. Well, her exact words had been "Don't worry about those doors, those are the servants' quarters,"- and although a throwaway comment, it stuck with her. Servants quarters. That could mean Shelia.

The hallways beyond were a far call from the plush, deep carpets and adorned walls of the upper floors. Here, it was simple wooden boards, with flickering lanterns line the wall. Passing a servant, she caught the flicker of surprise on his face as he saw her approach. Standing to the side of the wall, he watched her pass, glaring, arms crossed sternly across his chest. He watched the whole time she slid past him, openly hostile. There would be no averted gazes here.

For a while, Kiera did not see many more people. However, as she kept walking, she realised she could hear voices. A great many voices, it seemed, all overlapping to form a cacophony of chatter. Turning a corner, Kiera could see the room at the end of the doorway, the door flung open to reveal it bristling with servants. Shrouded in the shadows, she could make out a blazing fire waving at her from a hearth at the back of the room.

They all seemed... happy. There was not a frown on a single one of their faces. She even recognised a few from around the Keep, and here they seemed different people.

Kiera debated whether to go inside. This could be a chance to clear her name. If Shelia was in there, this could be a chance to apologise.

But walking in. All those people. Kiera mentally slapped herself. She was the Queen of the Abyss. Betrothed to Ramatee himself. These were her servants. And certainly, nothing to be scared of. Besides, she was virtually untouchable.

Steeling herself, Kiera walked down to the corridor. One man, sitting close by the door, noticed her and nudged his friend. He, too, turned to look, and the smile instantly slipped from his face. As Kiera stepped into the golden light cast by the fire, everyone was staring at her, and those still talking were sharply poked to shut up. All eyes upon her, Kiera realised they had turned to stone once more, their piercing gazes arced to skewer her. What did they have against her? Was this all for Shelia? Speaking off-

Kiera, trying her best to still her pounding heart and ignore their beady eyes, scanned the crowd. Upon quick examination, it was clear Shelia wasn't there. Pushing down the encroaching panic,  Kiera was about to open her mouth when a voice spoke up.

"You're not welcome here." Whirling around, Kiera saw the woman standing behind the counter tucked against one wall. Physically intimidating- although wearing the same maid uniform all the female servants here- she stared Kiera down. Her eyes briefly flickered to Kiera's neck, a small smirk saturating her lips. The contempt was apparent on her face and paired with her stocky frame, she caused Kiera's to bristle.

"Excuse me?" Kiera's voice surprisingly came out clear. The room was a stifling silence, the woman narrowing her eyes at her. But Kiera refused to back down.

Finally, the woman broke the eye contact, and shoulders hunched forwards- she cleared her throat. "I mean, you are not meant to be in here. These are the servant rooms. My Lady." Kiera narrowed her eyes, before reminding herself that she was here to try to make friends. The 'My Lady' was added almost as an afterthought. 

"Do any of you know who or where Shelia is?" Kiera turned her eyes over the crowd, feeling a small shameful burst of victory when no one met her eye. Turning back to the woman, she directed her attention towards her. "Do you know? What's your name?"
The woman looked up. "Molly. And no, I'm sorry, I do not know where she is, my Lady." Once again, her gaze reverted back to the wooden counter before her. She gave her a small smile- a pleasant one.

"That is fine. Could someone pass on a message that I'd like to see her this time tomorrow please?" Again, no one spoke or even looked up. Turning once more to Molly, she saw her nod.

"Yes, of course, my Lady."

"Please, you can call me Kiera." Turning to address the crowd, Kiera opened her arms in a welcoming gesture. "You can all call me Kiera." Sensing there was no more to be wrought from the situation, Kiera promptly turned to leave. Halfway down the hallway, her heart dropped a little when she heard the cheerful chatter. Amidst the murmurings, she heard one voice call her an "uptight bitch." Brushing it off, Kiera resumed her walk out of the lion's den.

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