Chapter 45

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 So sorry for the slow updates! I should be back to more regular updates soon- writing has just been difficult lately~

Happy reading!

Kiera stared at the door for a while, trying to still her pounding heart which fluttered like a trapped bird in her chest. She was aware of people coming in behind her, servants clearing up after dinner. Not one had dared come in whilst Ramatee was angry, but now she felt their probing gazes on her back. Turning around, suddenly every servant was heavily focused on their task, not one of them looking up to meet her attention.

Kiera let out a deep sigh. She didn't suppose she'd ever make friends with them like she had hoped.

Pushing out the dining room, Kiera wasn't surprised to find that Analise was waiting for her on the other side. She gave a small smile in greeting.

"Evening, my Lady. Are you ready to go to bed?" Kiera gave a warm smile, relieved to see another friendly face this evening. 

"I'm guessing you somehow know where I'm sleeping tonight." Analise's dark eyes glinted with amusement at seeing Kiera's stony expression. She gave a nod in reply.

"Of course. Now, please, this way."


Analise would take her no further than the corridor leading to 'his' room. Kiera could see the two dark mahogany doors that marked the entrance to 'his' room. The way Analise said his name, the revered 'him', Kiera had to keep reminding herself that it was only Ramatee. But even thinking him as 'only' anything was an insult in her mind.

Analise had left shortly after informing her that the doors at the end of the passage were indeed the entrance to Ramatee's quarters. Very few were allowed past this point.

The walls here had changed to a chiselled stone, columns at regular intervals that arched to hold up the ceiling. Peculiarly, the windows here were made of stained glass, with beams of light shooting through them. Kiera's mind flashed back to the faux sunshine she'd witness at her branding. Her hand instinctively rubbed at her throat, the memory of the pain still so fresh in her mind.

With such an adverse change in the interior, Kiera could almost imagine she was in a different place altogether. Stepping off the carpet, Kiera took a moment to compose herself.

What if he was in there right now?

Kiera stuffed the question to the back of her mind. She'd been in plenty of places alone with Ramatee. So why did this feel so different?

In reality, Kiera knew the answer to that question. The intimacy of the setting, the... implications that came with a bedroom- her position as Ramatee's "companion". Inwardly, Kiera berated herself. Nothing would happen. Kiera found that a blush had once again returned to her face.

She hesitated at the door, her hand poised over the handle. Taking a deep breath, Kiera finally opened the door.

The room beyond was absent of any being, horned or otherwise. Kiera's relief was soon overtaken by awe.

Compared to her suite, Ramatee's bedroom made hers look like a shanty. Taking up the centre of the room was a colossal bed, easily triple the side of hers, robed in the same red satin sheets in her own. The bed posts spiralled to an arched canopy, that draped the same red chiffon from the beams to brush lightly against the floor. The floor was the same checkered black and white marble of the foyer. Most impressive, however, was the view from the two huge windows that framed the bed. Floor to ceiling, adorned by heavy red drapes, the windows had to be at least 24 feet high, if not higher. 

Here, the sky looked infinite. An endless expanse of fire that fell into a seamless oblivion, broken up only by the glow of the stars and the few gauzy clouds that always seemed to be present. Pressing a hand against the glass, Kiera only wished that there was a sun she could watch set.

Kiera pulled away from the window. Pushing away the chiffon swaying from the bed, Kiera grabbed the nightclothes that rested there, folded neatly on the right side of the bed. Quickly shedding her clothes, Kiera graciously slipped into them, glad to give her bruises a rest from the tight dresses she had to wear. About to climb into bed, Kiera realised that a note had been left for her under the clothes.

"I'll see you tomorrow- there are duties I have to attend to tonight~ R"

Kiera rolled her eyes, crumpling the note in her hand. She discarded it onto the floor, climbing into bed. She pulled the chiffon back, and suddenly, the bed became a space of its own. The rest of the room faded into a hazy red tint, the failing daylight giving everything a strangely ethereal glow. Resting her head down, Kiera quickly sat up, feeling something out from her pillow. It was her book. 
Kiera flicked through it, somewhat taken aback that Ramatee would even think to bring the book from her room to here. hugging it close to her chest, Kiera fell back into the bed. It was big enough that if Ramatee did join her, she wouldn't have to touch her, and honestly, that thought brought a great deal of conflict to Kiera. Pushing her thoughts to the back of her head, Kiera fell into a dreamless sleep.

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