Chapter 36

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Kiera glared at Ramatee. The table stretched between them, laden with foods bought out by the servants. After finding the strength to pick herself up from the table, Kiera met back up with Analise, who made no comment about the brand being on her neck. Whether that particular detail was omitted on purpose or not, Kiera didn't push. She was at least grateful that Analise didn't come down to get her- she needed that time to help herself up. She had to learn to rely on only herself.

Kiera watched him as watched her. Neither of them reached for the appetisers artfully laid out on the table. She felt impossibly small seated at the table, the proportions of the room intimidating in size. The dining room was as grand as the rest of the Keep. The table was glossy, a dark mahogany, with chairs that matched. The carpet was thick, cream in colour, accentuated by the bright glow of the candles. 

Kiera couldn't bring herself to speak to him. Sure, it hurt to talk, but even if her neck wasn't damaged, Kiera thought they'd still be in an uncomfortable silence. So, instead, she spoke with her eyes.

Ramatee stared back. His eyes weren't apologetic exactly but were gentle as he met her gaze. 
"Kiera, it's just the way things are around here." Only because you made them that way. Kiera didn't know that branding was his fault exactly, but as a literal ruler of the underworld, she knew he must have some say. Kiera adverted her gaze, stubborn to accept his half-apology.
Ramatee gave a deep sigh, exasperated.

Thankfully, they didn't have the entertain their silence as more food was being bought out. Kiera turned to look behind her chair as some people streamed through the door, arms weighted with foods and plates. Kiera turned round in her chair, stubbornly staring into her lap. The people looked surprisingly human, if for a few outliers. Kiera did not stare to determine what they were though as they placed the food down. Kiera watched a hand, the ankh present on the back as it placed a plate in front of her. Kiera couldn't help the thrum of delight running through her as the smell of steak wafted from her dinner. She couldn't stop as her eyes darted to Ramatee, curious as to what he would be eating. Kiera watched as one of the servants, placed a steaming plate of food in front of him. Kiera looked at the arm, traced her eyes down to the ankh there. Her skin wasn't the paleness of Analise or Lark, but by human standards, it certainly was. Kiera followed her movements as she smoothly laid down more food to the table, her face creased in concentration-

Kiera couldn't stop the strangled gasp that escaped from her throat. Her face contorted in shock as she looked upon the face of none other than Shelia Antoine. She looked a bit paler than she had before, and her glasses were gone, but Kiera had no doubt who she was. Her face showed no emotion as she continued to work. Her hands shook slightly as she poured Ramatee some wine from a carafe. Kiera sat there gobsmacked, her mouth beginning to dry as she stared. Shelia's shaking hands caused the wine to slop over the edge slightly, and immediately, Shelia retracted herself to the edge of the table. Her shaking intensified, as she stood staring at the floor, jug shuddering in her grasp. Kiera directed her attention to Ramatee- she was clearly waiting for something. Ramatee wasn't looking at Shelia. He was looking towards Kiera, a thoughtful expression etched onto his face. His golden eyes looked right through her. Casually, he flicked his hand in her direction, dismissive. Shelia respectively bowed, before scurrying away from him. Kiera tried to catch her eye as she passed, but Shelia kept them down. Just before she left Kiera's eye line, Kiera let out a raspy "Shelia?" Shelia looked up fleetingly, before returning her gaze to the ground and darting as the last of the servants out of the room. Kiera saw the almost imperceptible change in her expression as she left. She saw her eyes widen, the recognition flash across her face, but did not tie any emotions to it. The fear that stuck around to her like a bad air smothered that. Kiera whipped her head back to stare at Ramatee. His eyes were fastened to his food, but Kiera saw the callous smile that adorned his face. Kiera was being played with.

"Why?" Ramatee looked up from his food. Kiera's face was an ambiguous mask. She did not reveal any emotions as her hoarse voice asked him the question.

"You talking to me now, Kiera?" Kiera's insides churned, but she forced her anger not to show on her face. She didn't like being toyed with.

Kiera forced more air through the throbbing pain of her throat. Every word was a monumental effort on her part, the pain innumerable to anything she had every felt.

"Yes." Ramatee let Kiera's reply hang in the air for a moment before he returned to his food.

Kiera decided to play his game. She picked up the sharpest looking knife on the table. She chose the fork furthest from the left. The cutlery looked to be silver, expensive too. Viciously stabbing the steak with her fork, Kiera started sawing through her steak. The insides were bright red, juices steadily leaking out onto the plate. Kiera held up the morsel of steak on her fork. It was almost raw it was so rare, still steadily bleeding. The blood made a faint dripping sound as it splattered onto the plate.

"Are you not hungry?" Kiera looked up from her food, shooting daggers at Ramatee. He smiled pleasantly back, either oblivious or purposely ignoring Kiera's glowering. Kiera did not respond. 
After it became clear that Kiera wasn't going to answer him, Ramatee returned to his food. Kiera, searching to get a rise out of him, dropped her fork on the table with a clatter. Ramatee looked up as Kiera scraped her chair out from under her.

"No." Kiera didn't know if he heard her, but she didn't really care. The truth was, she was extremely hungry, having only eaten some bread that morning. But that didn't matter. She would rather go hungry than spend another second in the same room as him. 
"Kiera?" Ramatee's voice chased after her as she left the room. His voice only further flared her anger. 

"Kiera!" Ramatee's voice grew enraged as Kiera ripped opened the door. Throwing the dirtiest look she could muster back at Ramatee, Kiera walked through, slamming it behind her. Standing on the other side of the door, Kiera realised that this was the first time she was without Analise to chaperone her about. Realising her newfound freedom, and as a smile finger to Ramatee, Kiera decided she would try to find Shelia by herself. Her curiosity was too much to bear. 

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