Chapter 24

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After last night's tussle, Kiera had been taken from the van and shoved in some tiny, windowless room underground. The door was slammed shut behind her, still not a word of who they were or what they wanted, other than they had to wait for 'Mason'. Ominous, but the fact Kiera hadn't seen any police was a good sign. From the short glimpses, she'd caught of her assailants, they were in no way associated with the police, army or government. Sure, this could be some kind of elaborate ruse, but why would they go through all that hassle?

Kiera was pretty sure it was morning. The room she was in had a dirt floor and more than one suspicious stain on the ground. The only light source was one precariously hanging bulb, naked, that only just illuminated the far walls. There was one battered wooden chair and a bucket she presumed was there in case she needed to go. Staring at it across the room, Kiera decided she'd have to hold on if she wanted to use the toilet. Yuck.

Her butt was numb from sitting on it for so long. She'd managed to remove the hood but kept the handcuffs on. She knew she'd be able to break them, if she really wanted to, but hulking out of them might not be the best strategy when she needed to be subtle, and they'd be more than one suspicion raised if a girl who barely topped 5ft 6" was suddenly able to break police grade handcuffs. She'd managed to sleep a little, and her whole body ached as a consequence of it. She was also streaked with dirt, which she longed to brush off if only her hands were free. Her biggest issue right now though, was just how hungry she was. She hadn't been able to eat dinner yesterday, and so far they hadn't come round to tell her what was happening next. She felt like this was all some big play, and that she was waiting in the wings until her part was needed. Only, what character did she play? The damsel in distress, needing to be freed? Or was she the villain, who the good guys had captured? Kiera laughed at her own internal monologue. Strangely, she wasn't bored. Anticipation coiled in her stomach as she thought off all the possibilities of what could happen next.

She hadn't killed anyone since Shelia, and thinking of killing again, she could feel the familiar bloodlust pulse with excitement at the back of her head. To take a life... it was a rush Kiera was obsessed with. Addicted to even. Kiera looked at the sturdy metal door that was the only exit from the room.

As if on cue, she heard heavy footsteps sound in the corridor beyond. Kiera glanced at the discarded hood on the floor and considered putting it back on, but shrugged off the thought. They can't have expected her to keep it on all night.

The door swung open, and Kiera took note of the huge muscled man that now stood in the entranceway. even in the dim light, she could make up his prominent features. His legs were like tree stumps, thicker than her head. Trailing her eye up, she could see that even with his arms at ease by his side, that his biceps were massive. A strong nose cut his face in half, protruding like a knife blade.

"You. Beast. Come." His voice had a slight Russian pointedness and rolled like gravel in his mouth.

His eyes were narrowed, serious, and he beckoned her with one meaty finger.
Kiera smiled sweetly at him, before awkwardly pulling herself to her feet. Beast was a new nickname for her, but she actually kinda liked it.

The man stepped aside, allowing her to pass him. It was a tight squeeze, but Kiera escaped into the corridor. She waited patiently as he closed the door, glancing at her suspiciously.

"Aren't you going to run away?" Kiera's smile widened at his question, and a small laugh spilt out of her. 
"I wouldn't have been captured in the first place if I didn't want to." The man smiled back at her, his eyes crinkling with genuine amusement.

"Shame, I was looking forward to a chase." 

"You wouldn't have caught me anyway." Kiera's tone was jovial, and the man laughed whole heartedly. Of course, he would think he could've easily caught up to her. But he didn't know that Kiera could snap his neck and have him dead in a second.

"So, you know my name." Kiera basically purred the words. "What's yours?" The man considered the small girl standing in front of him. She's not what he expected. Perhaps someone mentally deranged, a little tougher looking perhaps.

"My name is Roman." He said the words with a broad smile, and then Kiera knew she had won him over. 

"So between you and me..." They had been walking the dirt hallways for a while now. It was dimly lit, a string of light bulbs running through the ceilings the only light. She guessed they must be beneath the city, beneath the buildings, sidewalks and the hustle and bustle of day to day living. Occasionally, the strung lights would shake slightly, sway under the vibrations of life above.
"Yeah?" Kiera turned over one shoulder, making eye contact with Roman behind her. His shoulders almost brushed against both sides of the walls, his frame was so big.

"Did you actually kill all those people? By yourself?" There was a note of awe in his voice as he murmured the words. Kiera laughed to herself, returning to face where she was going. 
"Yup. Every single one." Kiera wiggled her cuffed hands for emphasis. Roman let out a low whistle, clearly impressed.
The dirt tunnels reminded Kiera of rats. Sure it may be a tad more sophisticated- The walls were thinly plastered, they had running electricity too- but if anything, that just meant these were glorified warrens.

Strangely, she hadn't seen another soul since she'd arrived. Well, actually she didn't know what was normal down here, so maybe the feel of abandonment was typical. 

"So where is everyone else?" Kiera spoke into the empty corridor ahead. Roman behind her tutted, before replying.

"I'm not telling you anything. You're funny, but we're not friends." Kiera expected as such. 
They had passed many doors, but suddenly, Kiera was tugged sharply backwards by her cuffs. Roman had pulled them to a stop by a nondescript metal door, much like the one they had first emerged from, and the seemingly endless stream that they had passed. She wasn't even sure how he told them apart.

Roman stared at her expectantly, and Kiera stared back blankly. He gestured with his head, nodding it towards the door. Kiera still didn't understand, still staring at him.

Letting out a deep sigh, Roman spoke. "Open the door." Kiera let out a small 'oh', before awkwardly pushing it open with her foot.
The room was square and barren except a small wooden table, and a chair seated under it. Kiera walked in, Roman close on her heels. She turned to ask what she was meant to do yet, but he wordlessly grabbed her by the shoulders, pulled out the chair and pushed her down. The wall in front was an expansive grey, and off to the side, Kiera saw a door.
  Kiera turned around to address Roman. "So, are they going to-" 

"Turn around and be quiet." Kiera was somewhat stunned by the brisk answer, but begrudgingly did what she was told. It seemed they were waiting for something- or someone and Kiera was anxious to find out what.

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