Chapter 20: Christmas Surprise

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Chapter Twenty:

I stood in complete shock and surprise looking at the white horse drawn carriage.

"What's this all about?" I giggled gawping at the carriage. Two chestnut brown horses led the carriage and a man in full attire sat on the seat in front of the carriage. I recognised him straight away. He was the horse riding coach.
"Every princess deserves that fairytale moment" he acknowledged.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I honestly thought they had been deceiving me until Seamus lifted me up into the carriage.

"Where are we going?" I begged him to tell me.
"Confidential" he smirked holding my hand.
"You could always give me a small clue?" I suggested shrugging my shoulders.
"You always want to go but never could" he riddled.
"The Christmas Fair!!" I squealed overjoyed hugging him.

It was just how I imagined, even better than what I had imagined. Children laughing and playing, couples happily walking around hand in hand, food stands and competitive games even young children feeding reindeers!

"It's beautiful!" I cried happily as we walked under the huge arch of Christmas lights.
"Where would you like to go first?" Seamus asked me laughing at my reactions to everything.
"Can we get some hot chocolate?" I uttered wrapping my arms around myself.

After receiving our hot chocolate we went to watch the reindeers being fed.

"Do you want to feed one?" A kind middle aged lady asked me handing me the carrot.
"Yes please" I smiled happily taking the carrot and holding it closer to the baby reindeer.

After we have fed the reindeers we went and played games and looked around in all the stalls.

"I think I'm going to buy this for Mam" I held up the iridescent crystal pendant in my hand holding it up to the little sunlight we had.
"She will love it" he agonised.

Seamus hated shopping with a passion, it made it even more satisfying to make him walk from stall to stall with me. But he never complained. He made the day all about me.

"Would you like to go sit on Santa's lap?" Seamus mocked point toward the man with the pot belly in the big red coat.
"Would it be childish if I said yes?" I inquired.
"Well.." Seamus hadn't even got the chance to finish his sentence I was already to busy running across the slippy deck not even thinking about the fact that I could fall.

Which I did, and not in the elegant way like you see in the movies. No, I fell like a huge elephant right on my ass hurting my ankle in the process.

"Aibhlinn are you okay?" Seamus stressed crouching down beside me.
"I think I broke my ankle" I howled in pain.
"Here I'll help you up" Seamus put his arm around me and tried to help me up off the ground.

A kind passerby came and helped Seamus get me to a seat.
"I think she may need a doctor" he concluded examining my ankle thoroughly.
"I'm sorry Seamus, I've completely ruined the day again" I sobbed the pain in my now swollen ankle growing stronger.
"No you haven't princess" he soothed.

My mother always taught me not to get into cars with strangers but in the moment we had a snappy decision whether or not to let this man bring me to the hospital or not. So being the risk takers that we were we said yes.

When we got to the hospital I saw Dr. O'Sullivan standing with her clipboard in hand.

"What have you gone and done to yourself this time?" she tutted rolling her eyes at me playfully.
"I was being the usual clumsy person and I fell on the deck" I explained.
"Right lets get you checked then" she smiled sitting me up on the gurney.

Seamus rang home while I had my X-Ray to tell everyone that I had fallen and hurt my ankle. Upon my arrival the whole family stood patiently in the waiting room a look of worry on all seven faces.

"Her ankle isn't broken thankfully but she has sprained it badly. She gets her clumsiness from Isabelle and Claire anyway" Dr O'Sullivan smiled.
"Are you okay?" mam asked worried as I hopped into the room on my crutches.
"Yeah of course I'm okay, can we please go back to the fair?" I pleaded giving Seamus the puppy dog eyes.
"The only place your going is bed" he verified.

When we got back home I went up and got into the bed in a huff. I wanted to see the rest of the fair so badly. I heard a gentle tap on my door. It was either Seamus or Mam either way I wasn't going to be satisfied.

"Hey are you ready for the third part of your present?" Seamus asked walking into my room.
"Do I want to?" I answered abruptly.
"I think you do" he smiled enthusiastically handing me some hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows.

He stood up from my bed and ran down stairs quickly. I had no idea what he had in store for me but I hoped it got me out of the rut I was in.

"You ready for the best present ever?" He cheered from the other side of the door.
"I think so" I replied hopefully.

Seamus pushed the door open and walked in casually holding the cutest puppy in the world in his arms.

"Oh my god she's beautiful" I smiled with burgeoning excitement. She had a pink sparkly collar around her neck with a little name tag.
"What's her name?" I asked casually looking at Seamus.
"Take a look at the tag" he laughed happily

I held up the small gold name tag in my hand and read it aloud.
"Will you be my girlfriend?".

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