Chapter 10

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"Mommyyyy" Leila said whining she had been whining since she woke up this morning and I was getting tired of it.

"What Leila, what do want."

"Outt mommy," Leila whined.

"Are you gonna be good if I let you out."

"Uh huh," Leila said nodding. I let Leila out of the cart and continued walking until I heard her crying. "What Leila," I said turning around. She had her hand out to hold mine. "I'm sorry, mommy didn't know" I grabbed a couple more things for Leila's party then, went to Lucas's mothers house to get Leila's dress for tomorrow.
As soon as we pulled up Leila recognized that it was Celine's house. "Gammaaa C" she yelled excited. I got Leila out of the car seat and walked to the door as soon as I walked in Leila went running "Gammma," Leila called.

"Hey Ma" I said walking in behind Leila.

"My baby," Celine said picking up Leila. "Hey Liyah, and how have you been since you don't come around no more ," she said sitting down on the sofa.

"Lucas don't be telling me when he comes to see you, I've been doing good though now that me and Lucas are getting back on track, I've been a lot happier lately."

"That's good to hear, speaking of Lucas  where is he," Celine said.

"He should be home now, he went to he studio earlier to work on his little project."

"Ohhh, well I'll go get her dress for you so you can get going," Celine walked back in the room holding up the dress. "It should fit perfectly." She said handing me the dress. I held it up to Leila. "Yeah it looks like it should."

"Leila you ready to go bye bye," I said getting up.

"Uh uhn" Leila said nodding.

"Well bye then" I said grabbing my purse walking towards the door.

"Nooo Mommy" Leila said starting to cry

"Then come on," I said holding my hand out. Leila flew off the couch. "Say bye to Grandma C."

"bye gamma, wuvvv you." Leila said Holding on to my leg as if I was gonna leave her. "Bye ma, love you and we'll see you tomorrow I said picking up Leila.
"Bye, love you too." Celine said standing at the door. I put Leila in her car seat and headed home.
Soon as I got in I put Leila to bed then went to my room. Lucas was sleep so I climbed over and started kissing him trying to wake him up but he just ignored me. So I went to sleep.

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