Thank You For the Venom

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You're running after something that you'll never kill...

If this is what you want, then, fire at will!

; ; 

Gerard's POV

What do you think of when you picture a Neko? A cute, adorable, pastel pet? Well, you couldn't be more wrong. I am Gerard, and I've been in the Neko slave trade since I was 13. I'm 16 now, so you can problably get the picture. I have black hair and hazel eyes, yet my ears and tail are a blood red color. This phenomenon is rare for Nekos, so apparently I'm special.

Most of the Nekos here are submissive, they do what they're told by their "master," aka some guy that looks like a fucking turkey that is in charge of the male Nekos in Los Angeles. But, me, I fight back. I'm not going to call some ugly bastard my master, better yet, I'd rather die. 

But, also due to my Neko genetics, I have the needs of normal housecats. I want to be loved by a nice human, I'm curious, I want to chase the motherfucking butterflies. But, if I want to get out of this without being killed, I have to act like the humans. In my opinion, all humans are horrible. At least the ones that I've met.

Lately, I've been working on an escape plan. See, the  new building that we've been moved to has small windows near the low-roof. There is a shelf near a corner that I can climb. Then I'd have to jump a few feet to get to the window. Then, I'm free. I've also stolen a head-cover thing from one of the "masters." I think I heard them call it a bean-something, but anyways I know it can cover my ears. I can just tuck my tail into my pants.

I was jerked out of my thoughts by the metal door clanging open loudly. Most of the Nekos, including myself, jumped back into our cages. It was buying day. 

Men of many ages looked around our cages, and all of them were ugly enough to puke on. I looked around at the Nekos around me. There were many different mixtures of Nekos, some had cat paws instead of human hands (thankfully not me), slitted pupils (once again, not me), along with pastels and goth breeds (it's a thing). But, I just sat looking as boring as possible in my cage. Maybe they'll ignore me this time.

I was wrong. 

Some male human, who was bald and significantly overweight, came to my cage and smiled pedophilically. Not a good sign indeed. He reached in my cage and tried to flick one of my ears. I hissed wildly. "Fuck off." I said, mixing it with my hiss. The man looked taking aback by my dominance compared to the other Nekos, and he walked over to some other one. Nobody else messed with me, until about six Nekos were dragged away, clawing and screaming for their family. I turned around, tears falling out of my eyes as I heard the terrible men laugh at them.

They gave the few remaining Nekos a slice of bread and a cup of water, their only ration of the day. We all ate it greedily, for we knew that it was our only meal for the next day. Except me. I'm leaving tonight, after the men close those metal doors, I'm unlocking this cage and shuffling out of that window. I don't care if it kills me.

After all of us had finished, the men bolted the metal door as they left. Once I was sure they had left, I unlocked my cage. I tucked my tail away and but on the head-cover thing, and treaded to the shelf stealthily. I gracefully leapt to the top shelf, adrenaline pumping throughout my body. I lept to the small windowsill in front of the window, when I realized.

How the hell to I get through this window. 

I knew what I had to do, and it would hurt. I balled my hands into a hard fist and punched the window until I could slide through the shattered glass. My hand was bleeding, but I could barely feel the burning pain. 

I lept onto the grass and ran through the trees near the concrete building. Soon, I saw extravagant lights throughout the trees, and a sidewalk. I stood on two legs and walked down the sidewalk.

This is what the city looks like. It's been three years, and I could barely remember my huge hometown of Los Angeles. I sat down homelessly, and looked at the beautiful city lights. Soon, I drifted into a sleep. They wouldn't find me, I ran for at least three miles before I got to where I am now.

I am free.

I thought of this and I decided to pursue it!

Leave your opinion, and should I continue?

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