This is the Best Day Ever

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I sat there in shock as to what I just did. I just fucking attacked this guy, and he ran away from me, along with his wuss friends. I looked down at my arm, which was covered in the guy's blood, and then looked at Frank. 

Frank looked like he was in awe that I did this, but soon he came to his senses and grabbed my non-bloody arm, dragging me back to his car. I haven't been around humans long, but I knew this was illegal. 

Frank and I sat in his car, out of breath from running. But soon, Frank said: "That...That was fucking awesome..." through gasps of breath. I smiled at him, and as soon as we made eye contact, we burst into laughter.

"Y-you fuck-oh my god-you beat his ass!" Frank said between gasps of laughter and I nodded, my face beginning to turn red. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. It was a while before Frank's laughing dwindled down and he began to drive.


Sorry this is so short and it took so long, I just wanted to hurry and upload something to let you guys know I'm still alive. For the past month, I had standardized testing at school and literally had no time of mental capacity to write, but now that's all over and I can get back to updating! Please forgive me, but HOLY CRAP THIS GOT SO MANY MORE READS IN SUCH A FAST AMOUNT OF TIME WTH (also I made a YouTube channel names dustyiero check it out if you'd like)

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