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I sat beside Frank in his car as we drove back home. I had lots of fun today, but I still didn't know what to think. Was Frank using me to earn my trust, just to sell me back to my old era? I shivered just at the thought of it.

Frank looked at me, concern in his eyes. I think he saw me shiver and look scared. "Is everything okay?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. I nodded and turned toward the window. I'm such a wus. How am I supposed to survive if something so small breaks me? I won't, that's how.

I stared out of the car window the whole drive back to Frank's house. I felt myself breaking on the inside as I stared. Soon enough, we came near Frank's home again. Once the car was parked safely, I slowly opened the car door and stepped out. I walked inside, seeming to carefully watch every step I took, feeling as though I could break at any sudden movement.

Frank and I silently sat down on the couch. Soon I felt a sticky, warm tear roll down the right cheek of my face. Then on down the left. Then, it became a downpour accompanied by a thunder of sobs. I felt the sobs shake my body, forgetting that Frank was even in the room.

Soon, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. "Gerard?? Gerard, what's the matter? Are you hurt?" Frank said with oddly genuine concern in his voice. I'm not used to a human showing legitimate care to my well-being. Soon, I felt his arms wrap around me. Even so, soon my face was buried into his shoulder as I shook with sobs. He patted my back and hugged me as I cried. Soon enough, my crying ceased.

"Now...Gerard, will you tell me why your crying?" Frank asked with kind eyes. I wiped the  moisture from my eyes with the collar of my shirt.

"W-well, I was th-thinking about h-how last time that a p-person was so nice to me th-they were just trying to c-convince me to follow them into t-the Neko Trade...." I said between sniffles. Frank sat closer to me, grabbing my hand. My full attention was toward him, I dared to breathe too hard.

"Listen to me, Gerard. I promise that I will never-ever do anything to hurt you on purpose. I will try to protect you with everything I have, the traders will never hear of you again. I promise." He said as he began to hug me.

For once, I felt completely safe and sound.

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