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"Come on June, it's time for dinner."

"Hang on, I need to finish this blood analysis for this case I'm working on."

"Okay you have your car, you can drive home when you're done."

"Okay, bye Jake," I said without looking up. Jake was my adoptive brother/best friend. He was a surgeon at the hospital just down the street and always swung by on his way home to remind me when it was time to go home. I get caught up in my work a lot. I continued working for the next half hour or so. When I realized the time I got to a spot I could leave off and pick up at tomorrow. I looked up at the skylight and saw that it was thundering and lightning.

'Great' I thought. I hated driving in the rain. I grabbed my keys and looked up at the skylight again hoping that it would stop. Suddenly I heard the glass shatter and felt a shock travel through my body. I don't remember anything after that.

3rd Person

"Hey Dad, shouldn't June be home by now? It's been over an hour. She said she was working on a blood analysis, it shouldn't be taking this long."

"Yeah Jake, that's weird. Let's go check up on her," they drove to the police station and went up to her lab. They were horrified by what they saw. Glass shards scattered across the floor, shelves knocked over, liquids spilled everywhere, and June's limp body clutching her car keys with scorch marks on her clothes. Jake rushed to her side and check for a pulse, it was there, but barely.

"Go get help!" He yelled holding back tears. His father rushed out of the lab and got help. Soon more paramedics were there and took her to the hospital. Jake had been in sobs by now.

"Do you know how long she was in here like this?" Asked one of the paramedics.

"It could have been right after I left or a few minutes before we got here, I honestly can't tell you," Jake said, still in tears,"I'm sorry I have to go," he couldn't take standing there in June's lab any longer. He went out to his dad's car and sobbed. He couldn't understand why this would happen to June, the sweetest, kindest, most caring person he had ever met. They called in a CSI from a close police station and when they were finished examining the scene his father came out.

"I'm sorry son, I love her too," Jake just sat in silence as they drove home. Jake did not get any sleep that night, it was one of many to come. That morning he dragged himself to work but he couldnt stop thinking about what he saw the night before. when he got to the hospital they told him that he was needed in June's room. He picked up a coffee on his way to her room.

"Dr. Mitchel, we were told that you are her family," Jake nodded, still not wanting to speak,"This might not be easy to hear but she doesnt show any signs of waking up, we think she's in a coma. It is a little early to tell, though being struck by lightning can have lasting effects," Jake sat down in the chair next to June's bed and looked at her unconcious body hooked up to a bunch of machines.

"You mean she may never wake up?" He asked, his voice raspy and barely audible from not speaking and crying. The doctor nodded sadly. He left the room and Jake just sat there with is head in his hands, his coffee sitting on the table next to him slowly getting cold. He went to a cafe to get a pastry and to read the newspaper. The front cover read "Solar Labs Experiment Goes Wrong and Causes Explosion!" After he finished his pastry he took the newspaper with him back to June's. He sat there for the rest of the day unless he was needed, he still had to do his job. Hours went by where he would do nothing. He would somtimes talk to June, hoping she would wake up. Then when he almost fell asleep he heard a rappid beeping and woke up. Jake tried to stabilize June and doctors began rushing in. All of a sudden she was flatlining and the power shut off.

"What's going on?!" Shouted one of the doctors.

"Why is she going into cardiac arrest?!" Yelled another.

"Someone get the power back on!" Another doctor shouted out the door. Jake just tried to get June stabilized, he wasn't yelling, or shouting, or even speaking; just making sure she lived to tomorrow. Once she was finally stabilized the power came back on. Some people were suspicious of the power going out at the same time she was going into cardiac arrest, others just thought it was a weird coincidence.

"Goodnight June," he said and drove home to attempt to get some sleep. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't fall asleep. He dragged himself to work again. Everyday he dragged himself to work and stayed in June's room unless he was needed. Every week or so June would go into cardiac arrest and the same suspicious events would happen. The power would go out while she was flatlining and then come back on when she was stable. About two months later a scientist approached Jake and his father when they were visiting her.

"I'm the founder of Solar Labs..."

"We know who you are," Jake said bitterly.

"And I'm the head scientist there. We're working on something with comatose patients and we could keep her stablized. There would be a better chance of her waking up and living a full life," Jake looked at his father,"I already cleared it with the hospital if it helps. I just wanted to ask your permission."

"And why should we trust you?" Jake's father asked,"You blew up part of the city. Who knows what you would do to her."

"We would help her. She'll be safer at Solar Labs than she is here."

"Okay," Jake whispered after debating with himself. Nothing they were doing at the hospital was helping so why not he thought. The next day they moved her to Solar Labs. Everyday after work Jake would go visit June at Solar Labs. Months passed by and June still hadn't woken up. She hadn't gone into cardiac arrest since they moved her. Jake made sure to stop by every day hoping she would wake up. One day, nine months later, she did.

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