Not So Fast

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"Be careful June!" Yelled Aspen.

"Relax," I said speeding out of the tunnel and stopping in front of her, "I'm fine Aspen."

"Well you're vitals are normal, you know, for you."

"Exactly, I'm fine."

"How's my suit feeling?" Asked Jackson

"My suit?"

"Yeah, I made it, it's one of my babies. You better not let anything happen to it."

"Okay, but Jackson, I think you're a little bit attached."

"Nope," he said popping the p.

"Okay whatever, but my suit is feels fine."

"You wanna go again?"

"Sure, but one question."


"How did you make this training area?"

"Well we created it for an experiment we were going to do after the experiment we did that went wrong nine months ago. We never got to use it after we were classified as a hazardous danger zone. When you woke up and told us about your abilities we remodeled a little bit and now we can use as a training area."


"You wanna go for another round?"

"Of course!"

"Not so fast," said Dr.Parks, walking into the room, "Did any of you plan on telling me that you were using my facility to train June? Also when were you planning on telling me that you're now going to be playing superhero?"

"We're sorry doctor, but now that June has these powers she at least has to be able to control them."

"I understand that, but a superhero suit? I know that was you Jackson," he said looking at Jackson, "And what about that red streak that I keep seeing on the news saving people? I know that's June."

"She's actually going by Lightning now."

"Not helping Jackson!" Hissed Aspen.


"I'm shutting this this down. All of it!"

"What? No!" We all said like whiny three year olds.

"We are not discussing this."

Suddenly an alarm went off and Jackson rushed over to the computer.

"Armed robbery in progress at Central Bank."

"Don't you dare go June!" I heard Dr. Parks shout, but I was already halfway out the door. I ran past the police and nicked handcuffs off of one. The robber looked confident until he saw me.

"Y-you're that red streak I see on the news," he stuttered terrified.

"I actually go by Lighting. You'll now be going by prisoner number whatever," before he could say another word I handcuffed him. I turned around and saw police and civilians looking at me in amazement, "He's all yours."

I stuck around for a little bit just to make sure there was nobody who needed help.

"Where is our CSI?! I should have known better than to trust that millennial!"

"Don't worry Captain, she'll be here. She did just wake up from a nine month coma," I heard my dad defend me.

I still have a day job. Ugh.

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