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I walked into the police station and everyone was running around in a big commotion.

"Hey dad, what's going..." I asked as he ran past me.

"Sorry June, can't talk right now. There's a fire on Main Street in one of the apartment buildings."

"What?! What happened?"

"We don't know," he ran off leaving me in the middle of the station surrounded by chaos. I ran out of the station and speed to Main Street. If it was an apartment building people would be trapped in it by the fire. When I got there there were already three firetrucks lined up outside. The building was in flames and firemen were going in and out to try to stop it from spreading. I ran in without anyone seeing me. I heard screams two floors up. The door was blocked with a wooden beam that was on fire and people were pounding on it.

"Dont worry. I'm going to get you out of there!" I yelled. I bent over to move the beam and held in a scream as I felt the fire burn the palms of my hands, "I have the door cleared. I'm going to kick it in so move back!"

I took a couple of steps back and kicked the door wide open. Standing there was a terrified mother and two young girls. They were coughing and had ash on their face.

"Come on, I'll take you outside," I picked up the girls and the mother held on. I ran to the entrance of the apartment building.

"So there are others," I heard behind me before to ran out. I turned around and saw a man standing in the middle of the fire but he wasn't burning.

"Go, get to safety," I told the mother and daughters as I set them down. They ran out and I was left with the mysterious man.

"Who are you?" I asked

"None of your concern," he replied his voice full of bitterness.

"It actully is," as soon as I said that he picked up some of the fire and lobbed it at me. I dodged it but it skimmed my cheek, "What the hell?!"

"I told you it was none of your business," he said and walked further into the fiery building.

"Wait, you can't just leave," I said trying to go after him but I began coughing and there was fire in my way. I felt dizzy and my vision began to blur from the pain. I ran to Solar Labs.

"Speedy what's up..." Jackson trailed off when he saw me. My face was covered with ash, my clothes were singed and I was coughing uncontrollably, "What did you do Speedy!?"

"Fire, people were trapped," I gasped before my legs gave way and my vision went black.


Why was everything so loud? I opened my eyes and sat up. My hands were bandaged along with the burn on my cheek. Aspen and Jackson rushed over with Dr.Parks.

"What were you thinking Miss. Briton?" Asked Dr. Parks.

"I-I wasn't."

"Why in the world would you run into a burning building?" Aspen asked like she was concerned for my mental health. Maybe she was right to be concerned.

"I-it was an apartment building a-and there were people trapped. I saved a mother and her two daughters. I wanted to help, I've always wanted to help, be a hero. That's why I became a CSI, a-and now I have these powers and I want to do something to help."

"I understand that but what I don't understand is why I didn't discover that you were having side effects until I came in and saw you lying on a bed passed out," Dr.Parks looked at Aspen and Jackson.

"We're sorry sir, we didn't know how to tell you and if we did would you even believe us?" Aspen said.

"WHAT THE HELL JUNE!" Jake yelled as he walked in.


"I don't want to hear it. I was in the middle of  a surgery and I didn't have my phone on me. When I was finished dad called me and asked if I knew where you were. I tried calling you but you weren't answering. I had 30 missed calls from Solar Labs and came as soon as I could. As I was leaving the news was on and I saw a woman explaining that she was saved from a fire by a woman in a blur that could run faster than light."

"Jake, I can explain..."

"No, you can't. You can't just go running into burning buildings without protection. And look at yourself, you're severely burned," he turned to Aspen, "How bad are her burns?"

"The one on her cheek is minor, just a first degree, there are some on her legs, also first degree,but her hands are severely burned with second and third degree. Speaking of, it's to change your bandages, I have to go get some more, I'll be right back."

"June, if you had died I don't know what I would do. When you were in that coma for nine months I didn't know what to do. If I lost you again, I don't even know."

"I'm back," Aspen said and began taking the bandages off my hands, "You'll have to get skin grafts..." she trailed off and her eyes widened when she saw my hand, "t-they, they're healed."

"What? That's impossible, you just said that they were third degree burns!" Jake said skeptically.

"Look, they look like nothing happened."

"How is that possible?"

"I don't know."

"Do you remember anything else from the fire that would help us figure out what caused it?" Asked Jackson.

"Yeah, right before my vision began to go blurry there was a man standing in the middle of the fire but he wasn't burning. I asked him who he was and he got super pissed and threw some fire at me, that's how I got the burn on my cheek. Then he just walked into the fire and I tried to go after him but I couldn't."

"We need to find out what this guy wants and who he is before anything else happens."

"And fast, I'm getting an alert from the police that there's another fire on the corner 11th and Anders. It might be our guy,"Aspen said from the computer.

"June you can't."

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