Who is she?

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"This is the second time witnesses have reported being saved by a woman in the lightning. Who is she and how can she do these things? Folks we may have a guardian angel watching over us," I smiled as Jake and I sat in the couch watching the news. People had begun wondering what the mysterious force that saved people was.

"So you're still going to go out there?"

"Absolutely. I realized that I was given these powers for a reason and that reason was not to keep them hidden while sitting behind a desk. I don't care if he knows my secret, I'm going to stop him."

"Good. Remember when we were little and we would read those comic books that dad would bring home?"

"Yes!" I said laughing, "We were such nerds!"

"I know, we would always talk about them at school but nobody would understand us. But do you remember what you said to me one time when we were reading them?"


"You told me that one day you would be a superhero just like the ones in the comics. And now June, in more ways than one, you are."

"Thanks Jake," I smiled up at him and snuggled closer, "You're the best brother. I love you."

"I love you too June. Now, let's watch something less depressing than the news. Let's see, what do we have?"

"Oh! Is Crimes on? Please!"

"Ok, I'll check."

Crimes was my favorite crime show. It was one of the more accurate ones, but I still liked pointing out flaws that wouldn't really happen since I was a CSI.  Jake thought it was cool, but he would much rather be watching football or something.

"Yes! It's a new episode!"

We sat there watching for the rest of the night even thought after that episode it was just reruns. I pointed out the flaws like I always did until I fell asleep. I felt a few nudges but wouldn't wake up. I felt something lift me and then set me down on my bed but was too tired to really sense what was happening around me.

"Goodnight June," I faintly heard from across the room.



"Ugh," I groaned and looked at the time as I hit snooze. I could sleep for five more minutes.

"JUNE! COME ON! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" I heard as Jake pounded on my door.

"Quit the yelling Jake it's only 7:00," I said half asleep," WAIT 7:00! OH CRAP! IM GONNA BE LATE!" Five minutes had turned into 30. I sped around my room getting out my clothes and my papers organized in my briefcase. When I was changed I did my makeup while getting on my boots and jacket. I opened the door and Jake was standing there waiting.

"June!" He whisper yelled, "You can't keep doing that, it makes too much noise."

"Would you rather be late?"

"No, but next time get up when you're supposed to."

"Sorry, you know how you tell yourself five more minutes but it turns into much longer."

"Yeah. Now we need to get going."

"Oh, yes, work!"

We ran down the stairs and out to Jake's car.

"You know I could speed us there in less than a minute?"

"No, June. We are not using your powers to get to work."

"Fine," I said groaning and getting into the car.

"You know you were totally out last night."

"Really? I felt someone carry me to my room, but I was so tired I really didn't care."

"It's strange though, you were always such a light sleeper."

"It must be because I'm using so much more energy now my body needs more time to recharge."

"You feel up to going to Solar Labs after work to do some training?

"Yeah sure! And Jake?"

"Yeah June?"

"You don't have to treat me like I'm fragile and sick. I'm fine, in fact, I'm better than fine."

"I know. The side of me that is adventurous wants you to run as fast as you can and find out everything you can do, but the doctor and big brother side of me wants to protect you and make sure you're not over exerting yourself."

"I know, but I'm fine Jake. And I can heal fast which is can I say awesome!"

"It is pretty cool. And here is your stop m'lady."

"Thanks Jake," I said grabbing my briefcase and jumping out of the car. I ran up to my lab and began working on the current case. Some crazy psycho tortured a man to death and dumped him at the junkyard. Luckily he was an amateur and left tons of epithelials in the cuts leaving the perfect way for us to trace it back to him. He was brought in by the end of the day.

"Hey June, time to go to Solar Labs."

"Okay just let me grab a couple of things... and I'm ready!"

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