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I went inside the house and my mom was sitting at the kitchen table typing.

"Hey mom," she turned around and ran over to me.

"Oh, June! You've had us worried sick! How are you even up?" she asked hugging me tightly.

"I just woke up a little bit ago. I already visited Jake and dad."

"I'm just so happy to see you! Come on! I just baked cookies for Jake and your father, but we can have some now," we sat down at the table and began talking.

"So, catch me up, what's been going on?"

"Well, the night you were struck by lightning there was an explosion at Solar Labs. Seven people died from it, many more were injured," I was shocked and I covered my mouth with my hands, "I don't know why in the world Jake let them take you there, but they helped you so they must not be that bad. I hear a couple people still work there."

"Yeah, Aspen and Jackson. They were there when I woke up."

"You know Jake hasn't been himself without you?"


"Yeah, ever since that night he's been different. It's like he lost all the light in his life and motivation to do anything. Without you, he felt like he lost everything. You don't know how happy you make him. Just thought you should know that," I didn't know what to say in response.

"I'm just gonna go up to my room. Thanks for the cookies mom."

"It's just how you left it. Jake wouldn't let us move anything," I headed up the stairs and went down the hallway to the door on the right. The one on the left was Jakes room. I turned the knob and walked into the room which was painted sky blue. The comforter on the bed matched and the rest of the furniture was white. I sat down on my bed and looked out the window at the tree that stood right outside it.


"Come on Jake!" She whispered.

"Should we really be doing this June?" He whispered back.

"Do you want to go to the party or not?"

"Yeah I do, but this isn't safe. What if you slip and fall? You could break something," Jake warned.

"Relax, I've done rock walls and high ropes courses."

"Yeah, but you're wearing a harness."

"Don't worry Jake, I'll be fine."

June climed out the window and stepped on the branch right outside of it. She began stepping on lower branches and getting closer to the ground. As she stepped on a thin branch there was a creeking. She tried to get to another branch but she wasn't fast enough. The branch broke under her weight and she fell onto the semi-soft grass.

"June!" Jake yelled.

"I'm fine!"

"You just fell from a tree, you are not fine!"

"Just don't tell mom and dad, please Jake," Jake had alredy left her room and went to his parents room. They ran outside to the front of the house to see June sitting against the tree clutching her arm obviously in pain.

"June! We told you not to go to the party! Why would you try to sneek out when we told you you couldn't go?!"

"I'm sorry mom, it was a senior party though! How could I not go!"

"I know it's hard to fit in when you're so young, but dont change yourself to fit in. I know sneeking out isn't you. Now, lets get you to the hospital, I know something's broken," Jake helped June up and they drove to the hospital.

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