Suit up

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"Jake, I have to. People could die," I sped out of the lab and to 11th and Anders. There were no firetrucks there yet and I could hear people screaming for help. I sped in and began taking people out of their rooms, thankfully there were no fiery beams that needed to be moved this time. I double checked every room after I thought I had gotten everyone out. When I was finishing my round I saw a man standing in the fire.

"Sir, I can help you."

"No, you can't," he said turning around.

"You," I said scowling, "What do you want? What do you get from burning buildings down?"

"I get fear from this city."

"Yeah, well that's over. I'm bringing you in."

"And what will be your explanation for how you caught me? I bumped into him while I was getting my coffee. If you don't know anyone to know your secret you won't be bringing me in, CSI Briton."

"H-how do you know my name?"

"It's quite easy to find you. You graduated early from both college and high school, you're the youngest CSI in the history of this city, and you're considered one of the brightest minds. You're face has been all over newspapers since you were in grade school. It was easy to find you. You showed really wear a mask or something. Bye!"

"Wait, you can't just leave!" I yelled as he walked off. He made the fire into a wall so that I couldn't follow him. I ran back to Solar Labs.

"H-he knows my name. H-he knows who I am"

"Who?" asked Jake.

"The man in the fire, who didnt burn."

"How?" asked Aspen.

"He recognized me from newspappers. He said I should wear a mask."

"Maybe you should," said Jackson.

"What? No, if he already knows I'm done for. I cant go back out there no matter how much I want to. He knows who I am, he knows my secret, and that paints a target on all of your backs."

"We can handle ourselves, plus, if we put him away there are plenty more panohumans that dont know your identity that need stopping."

"Pano-what?" Jake and I said in unison.

"Pano, above, greek?"


"Duh. Anyways back to that mask thing. I've been playing with something I think you'll like, follow me," We went into another room. He stopped in front of a curtian.

"Melodramatic much?"

"Voila!" He shouted pulling back the curtain to reveal a suit. It was red with black accents and looked like it was made out of a material close to leather. In the center of the chest there was an emblem with a red and black lightning bolt. Down the legs there were black lightning bolts.

"I LOVE IT!" I gasped covering my mouth and jumping up and down.

"It's all yours. It's made with a friction and fire proof material and we can monitor your vitals and communicate with you from here."


"You want to try it on?" Jackson asked. I just squealed and nodded my head excitedly, "Go ahead."

I grabbed it and ran out of the room, putting it on in seconds and returning.

"It fits perfectly!"

"One last touch," Jackson picked up a piece or red fabric and handed it to me, "Every superhero needs a mask."

"How do I look? Do I look like a superhero?"

"You look very superhero-ey," said Jake smiling.

"Every superhero needs a name," said Jackson, "We just have to wait for it to strike us."

"Like Lightning?" Aspen asked smiling.

"Exactly like Lightning. June, I now bestow you with the superhero name Lightning!" Jackson said smiling.

"I love it!"

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Do you think Lightning will catch on? Also, I have a picture of my idea of June's suit drawn by yours truly. Sorry it's not that good, I'm not the best artist.

 Sorry it's not that good, I'm not the best artist

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P.S. Sorry for the short chapters I just like to end them on certain lines that leave slight suspense.

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