Chapter 3

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Seokjin laughed from next to me. When I didn't laugh along, he squeezed my hand in a threatening manner. I managed to cough out a laugh, a forced smile spreading across my lips. But my laugh didn't sound right. I had to keep myself from cringing away from Seokjin, knowing what he would do in secret.

With my free hand, I played with the navy blue scarf around my neck. The school made us wear uniforms, and the girls had an option to wear a scarf. I've been having to wear one lately due to all the small hickeys that lined across my collar bone. Seokjin did that. He said I needed to wear the scarf.

Some small tears were starting to prick at my eyes. I had to squeeze Seokjin's hand twice to warn him the tears were coming. That was our secret code. An anxiety attack was one squeeze, crying was two squeezes, and three squeezes is that I needed to tell him something. He wouldn't let me talk to any of his so-called "friends." When they would ask me a question, Seokjin would have to answer for me.

"Excuse us," Seokjin said with a smile and walked us away, pulling me behind him. I kept my eyes to the ground, the tears hitting the pavement as we walked.

He then pulled us into a alleyway between the buildings. Before asking me anything, he looked to see if the coast was clear. No one was coming. He then turned to me, his eyes showing a fire flicker through them.

"What have I said about crying!?" he hissed in a whisper, stepping threateningly closer.

"I'm so--"

I was cut off suddenly by his hand slapping against my cheek. It burned and sizzled. Hot tears came down my face even more.

"Don't be sorry!" he hissed once more, pointing his pointer finger at me. "You don't start crying in front of my friends. I know why you're crying. You're crying because of him." The way he said him sounded like him spitting acid out of his mouth.

"I didn't mean to!" I cried even more, a quiet sob escaping my mouth. "It just..."

"What, Y/N? It just what?" he said while grabbing my hair. He then pushed me to a wall of a building. It felt as if my hair was being pulled out of my skull.

"Stop, Seokjin!" I cried a little bit louder, but he clapped a hand over my mouth to keep me from speaking any more.

"You be quiet and you don't get punished," his voice rasped, his grip tightening on my hair.

I nodded hurriedly and he uncovered my mouth. I gasped for a breath of air, my eyes wide with fear.

"Don't you ever think about him again!" he said, pulling my hair to where I hit the ground. Wounds opened up on my knees and hands, small trickles of blood pouring out.

"Y-Yes, Seokjin," I said, my voice coming out sounding strangled.

"Good." He then turned on his heal and walked out of the alleyway.

I sobbed quietly to myself, running my hand over the cheek he slapped. As my fingertips touched it, I coiled away, the pain too intense for me to take. My knees and palms were covered in dirt, blood trickling out of the wounds. The sun was starting to go down, the orange light casting a beautiful outline throughout the alleyway.

Taking my knees and pulling them to my chest, my tears were coming down harder than ever. I wanted to be taken from this world, to be forgotten completely. My parents hated me, the picture got leaked, Seokjin was abusing me, he left me. What was the point of life anymore? I just wanted it all to end...

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