Chapter 12

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The guidance councilor's office didn't feel safe. They reassured it was. I knew behind that door Seokjin was waiting to lash out at me. He was waiting for the right time to hurt me. They said he wouldn't hurt me again. They were lying. They were big, fat liars.

The only noise that sounded was of the clock ticking. It was almost four in the morning, and the sun didn't even dare to break over the horizon. I wished it would. It would get rid of the monsters that lurked in the darkness. It would get rid of the evil faces the stuffed animals on the councilor's desk were making at me. It would get rid of the growls coming from under the desk.

I could hear yells in the other room. That's where Namjoon was. Also Seokjin. I didn't know if they brought Yoongi in. I hoped they did. He needed to be talked to as well. 

I heard them arguing. Seokjin's voice made me cower in fear. I could still hear it haunting me. It'll be okay. I love you. This is why I'm doing this. He really loved me, didn't he?

The door to the office opened. I jumped a mile high. I looked to see that the guidance councilor was in the doorway. She looked like she had just gotten out of bed, which she had. She gave me a small, comforting smile. She beckoned me forward. "The principal would like to see you now."

I stood up blindly, and followed her out into the hall. The three boys sat out there. Yoongi looked like he was about to fall asleep right there. He was in the middle of the three. At one end sat Seokjin. He gave me a menacing look. I whimpered silently, turning my gaze away from him. Namjoon sat at the other end, looking at me worriedly. His knuckles were split open from punching the wall so many times. He wore a white T-shirt and baggy sweatpants. 

I was lead into the office. At the desk sat a older, darker woman who gave me a motherly smile. She told me to sit, so I did.

She asked me a few questions about what was going on and how I was feeling. I could see the councilor taking notes as I talked. Finally, she asked me if I knew who loved me.

"Only Seokjin," I replied, trying to be as small as I could. "He said he was the only one that loves me. That's why he hurts me. That's why he did that to me tonight. He loves me enough to do all of that."

She didn't react like how Namjoon did. Instead, she still gave me her mother smile and leaned closer. "Do you like it? Is that why you're still with him?"

I shook my head at her. "No. I'm too scared to leave him. If I do, he'll hurt me. That's... That's one of the reasons why I jumped..."

"So you're saying you're forced to stay with him at your own will?"

I had to swallow the lump down in my throat to speak. "Yes."

"Interesting. Ms, do you mind taking Y/N here out back into the counselling room?"

I watched the clock rotate all the way until ten A.M. I heard something about brain washing. There was more yelling. At the door, someone tried to get in. I screamed and hid under the desk. The councilor brought me back out and had me sit on a chair. I also heard something about parents. Even more yelling. Finally, at exactly ten, they let Namjoon into the room.

The door opened revealing the councilor and Namjoon. When Namjoon saw me, he walked over and hugged me. I hugged back, starting to cry into his shoulder. I heard the door close softly, and Namjoon and I were alone.

"It's okay," Namjoon said in a whisper, kissing my head. "It's all okay. They're taking him away. You'll never see him again. He won't hurt you."

I wanted to say he would. I wanted to say he would always come back. Instead, I just kept crying into his shoulder like a little kid.

When I finally calmed down a bit, Namjoon pulled away a little, giving me a smile. "Everything ended out okay, didn't it?"

I bit my lip, holding back a sob. "Sort of. There's still a photo of me on the internet, and my parents are forcing me to marry someone I don't want to."

He frowned, then sighed. He pulled away from me fully, running a hand through his hair. "I have more news. They're investigating to see if Yoongi's really behind the photo. They just started, and are keeping a close eye on him. As for your parents, they're actually coming really soon."

I bit my lip again, leaning back to look at the ceiling. I was trying to keep my tears in my eyes.

"But they have a surprise for you when they get here."

"I bet it's that guy that I'm marrying."

"It is."

I sat up and looked at him with hatred. "So you don't care that I'm being taken away? Watch, he is going to take me away and never let me come back."

He gave a huge smirk. "But, Y/N--"

"Don't 'But, Y/N' me!" I could feel the tears running down my face in anger. "You don't understand! You don't understand what it's like to be me! If you're having a fun time making fun of me, wipe that smirk off your face and get out of here."

"Y/N, I'm the guy you're marrying."

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