Chapter 10

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The day was bright and sunny. Classes were over for eighteen hours. I had some time to catch up on things. But my teachers told me I didn't need to do them. I just needed to keep up with my work in class. I didn't need their pity. Namjoon wiped that aspect out of the way. He told me to stop pitying myself. Well, that's what I thought he said the last time I saw him at the hospital. Either way, he was right. I was feeling sorry for myself. I needed to get away from that side.

A voice spoke behind me. It was that deep voice I knew too well. The voice I heard in alleyways at night. The voice that would hit me. The voice that would tell me to never leave. I was trying my hardest not to crumple into a ball on the pavement as it spoke. "Y/N, where do you think you're going?"

I had been in the hospital for two months, so I now had an air cast on my foot. I started speed walking. The voice wouldn't catch up to me if it couldn't get me. But I heard it's footsteps coming closer. I started jogging. They were still there. I sprinted. The hand pulled me back, knocking me to the ground.

The air was pushed out of my lungs. I wheezed, my vision becoming blurry for a second. My head ached. A lump was forming in that spot. I looked up with squinted eyes, watching the voice. He wore his school uniform, his mouth in a frown. He didn't look happy. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't break up with him. It would hurt me physically. Who knew what would happen to me?

"Why were you running?" he said in a low voice, crouching down in front of me. He definitely wasn't happy. His hand gripped my ankle, holding on too tight. I tried squirming it away, but he wouldn't let go.

"Let go of me!" I cried softly, struggling more. His grip tightened even more. How was that possible?

He sighed and pulled my ankle towards him. Thankfully it wasn't the hurt one. He pulled it towards him, and he grabbed me in his hands. They weren't gentle. They were just the same as it was on my ankle. I could feel my blood supply running low already in my arms.

"You're out of the hospital now, right?" he asked me. It was the same low tone that sounded almost threatening. I gave a nod while gulping.

"And you're taking your meds?"

I nodded again.


With that, he got to his feet, bringing me up with him. I yelped a little, my hurt arm still sore. He didn't seem to notice. His face came in fast, crashing into mine. His lips ate mine up hungrily. I could feel his anger in each kiss. I whimpered like a puppy. Salt water came down my cheeks as well. I could feel people's stares looking at us. They must of been thinking that we were having a happy reunion. We weren't.

Seokjin pulled away, his teeth clenching my lip a bit, pulling it away from my teeth. I whimpered some more, but his hand ran through my hair comfortingly. He let go of my hair as he said, "Don't worry. Everything's fine. I just want to see you in private. I feel like people are invading."

"Please no," I sobbed softly, trying to back away from his grip. He held on tightly.

"Come on," he said in a growl, pulling away and started tugging me along. "I said we're going somewhere private."

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