Chapter 4

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That morning I had to put on some type of makeup to cover the slap mark that covered half of my face. I tried everything. Blush, concealer, even some things I didn't even know what they were.

There in the mirror stood a sad looking girl, her eyes totally bloodshot. Her H/C hair was a mess, thrown every which way. But in a strange way, her clothes were neatly pressed and pristine, perfect in their own way. The girl tilted her head to the side, her eyes filled with the sadness I was feeling.

Sighing, I turned and walked out of the bathroom, making my way out into the hall of the dorms. In one room, some girls were arguing on who's clothes were who's. In another, some were giggling. They all seemed dressed and ready for the school week. I guess I was the last one to get ready.

I went over to my dorm room, slung my backpack that was filled with my books--that was on the bed--over my shoulder, and I trudged out of my room. Most girls left their rooms unlocked because they trusted each other. I didn't. I jammed my key into the key hole and turned it, the locking clicking into place. I then took the key out, tucking it into my shoe.

Keeping my eyes to the ground, I made my way over to the staircase and started making my way down it. I seemed to get lost in my train of thought, thinking of the past weekend.

Seokjin slapped me, like he always threatened. How did all the girls want to date him? He was pure evil. I was terrified of him. I tried to never say anything to him, too scared for him to threaten me even more than what he already was. I kept my thoughts to myself. Speaking of thoughts, I had no one to talk to about Namjoon. His name sent pain running through my spinal cord. I had too keep myself from wincing. It had been four weeks now that I had broken up with him. Or did he break up with me? It all seemed fuzzy and I didn't want to think too much into it.

Finally, I made it to the front of the girls dorm. Stepping outside in the fresh, crisp air made my skin felt renewed. Maybe even my soul a little bit. But as soon as I saw Seokjin walking my way, a small frown crossed my lips and I fell back down into the hole, restarting my climb all over again.

"Hey, babe," he cooed, walking over to my side. He then proceeded to take a strand of my hair and twirl it between his fingers like it was a pencil. I watched as his eyes trailed over the cheek he had slapped and was glad to find there was no mark to be seen.

"Good, you cleaned up," he murmured in my ear seductively. It was funny how he was trying to get me going. He never seemed to have an effect on me.

"Just get off of me," I mustered a whisper, pushing him away slightly. But as my hands locked on to his chest, he grabbed them. It may have seemed like a harmless move, but his grip was like steel, his nails embedding themselves into my skin. I gritted my teeth in frustration.

He chuckled lightly under his breath, but I could feel the anger starting to rise into it. "You be careful, my dear, on what you do. You don't want the people to get the wrong idea, do you?"

Out of the corner of my eyes, a person crossed my vision. I looked up and there was Namjoon, his dark brown eyes met mine. My heart melted to my feet and tears started dribbling down my cheeks.

"Don't look at him," Seokjin said through gritted teeth quietly. "That's what he wants. You want to prove him wrong, right?"

My eyes snapped towards Seokjin. I pulled my hands away from his chest and wiped my own tears away. Seokjin was right. Maybe it was time to prove him right. To take his mind off me. But mine would never...

"Let's go," I murmured, turning on my heal and walked towards the row of buildings that were called the "classrooms." I didn't need to start my week off like this. I'll just stay to myself like I always did. No one will care.

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