Chapter 7

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Small, tiny sprinkles of mist covered my face. Some more seemed to dance in the air, waving and splashing at me. Dark, grey clouds hovered above, showing the world their faces. The way their bullets of water ricochet off the earth, giving life.

Yells and sobs came from below me. I looked down at their faces. They all looked terrified, scared. What were they so scared about? It's not like they would miss me. But what caught my attention was Seokjin.

He was calling out to me, his face filled with despair. His jet-black hair was soaked due to the rain, his outfit getting ruined. I thought he didn't like getting his uniform messy. That's what he had told me a million times when we went to one of the campus's restaurants. He would always use a napkin to act as a bib, covering his shirt. Then he would always steal mine for his lap.

Behind me, I suddenly heard the door to the roof open. I turned my head around, but still remained on the edge of the roof. There in the doorway stood Namjoon, the same one that I saw a week ago that helped me. Bags still hung under his eyes. The twinkle in his eyes gone. But instead of the twinkle, there was tears filling them up, his eyes becoming bloodshot.

"Y/N..." he trailed off, taking a step towards me hesitantly.

In response, I stepped back away from him, but my foot only hit air. I wobbled, but caught my balance, tears starting to flow into my own eyes.

"You made me do this, Namjoon," I cried, waving my hands around for a dramatic effect. "You brought me to this hell. You mad me become depressed."

He shook his head, small water droplets being shaken off of him in the process. "No, Y/N. You brought this upon yourself. You made yourself come here. You caused that picture. Do you even know what you did to me?"

I didn't speak for a moment, a few tears rolling down my cheeks and hitting the ledge that I was standing on. I could hear them patter, like a glass had broken below me. "Do you know what you did to me?"

He stopped for a second, trying to collect himself. I could see what was going on in his eyes. He was trying to stop the girl before him of jumping off the top of a building. This was the girl he used to like. He used to hang out with. Used to kiss. But now it didn't seem like that anymore.

"Please," he begged. He literally got to his knees and bowed his head. In a soft voice he spoke, "I don't want you to die..."

A hiccup escaped my mouth. My mind seemed to run. He said he didn't want me dead. He wanted to see if I was okay again. But maybe he was lying. That's what everyone did these days. My parents said they loved me, but they didn't. They used to say I could marry whoever I wanted to. Now that's just a fantasy. Namjoon said he loved me. He clearly didn't when he left me.

"Goodbye, Namjoon," I whispered.

As soon as I said that, Namjoon bolted to his feet, getting a running start towards me. I closed my eyes and leaned back. I was then free falling in the air. People below me screamed and sobs escaped their mouths.

So this was the end. I was really ending my life because of stupid men, maybe even my family. I hated the thought of my dying, but it needed to happen. I was being forced into things. Nobody understood me. It was all just a phony, showing the world how gullible I was. How could I be so stupid? Why was I so stupid? But as I hit the ground, the last picture that flashed before my eyes was Namjoon.

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