1. As Per Usual...

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A/N) the story will be in ya boi T-Jeff's POV unless a change is stated. yeye let's get gay


As per usual, I got up, precisely at 5 am to get my morning shower (cos ya boi STANK lmao). After a shower, I brush my teeth and get dressed. I try to avoid sight with a mirror, but there's a big ass one in the bathroom so that serves me no justice. By the time I'm ready, it's around 5:30, 5:45 if i'm slow that morning. I leave at 6 for work.  Not exactly the exciting ~NEW YORK LIFE~ you would dream of. But what else can you get without college. Self support is hard when you'e 19 without a scholarship. We rollin' though so it's chill. 

I will say that it's better here than it was in Virginia. It's still hard though. Still fresh outta high school. I think about everything that happened. The bullying, beatings, getting kicked out for being gay, much worse. It's all still overwhelming for me. The harassment hasn't stopped, it's just over social media and still dealing with family shit. Sometimes, i just can't handle it.

-Once I got to the old DVD store i worked at (3dg3 L0rd), I put my stuff behind the counter in a cubby-like thing?? (i don't fuckin know lmao just go with it) and headed to a little coffee shop nearby. There's always this one girl behind the counter of the coffee place on my shift days, so she's learned my order. Chai Latte with a double shot of vanilla. All i have to do is walk in and say my name. I've recently learned her name to be Maria. Looked almost exactly like my friend Peggy. Once i get my drink, I head back to the DVD store. That's when Peggy walks in. She's had the same shift as me ever since we got hired. It hadn't been long, but we already grew close. Best friends really. On days that we didn't have customers-which is pretty much everyday i mean who tf uses DVDs anymore? Netflix is a thing ya'll.-we would sit and talk. I learned a lot about her. She was lesbian, and was also kicked out of the house for it. She was a year younger than i was so she graduated a year after me. 

"Hey yo what's shakin', T-Jeff" she said seeing me walk in. She always started the shift with that exact line, sometimes with a different nickname. But it was nice. I always expected it so it's comforting to hear it in the morning. 

"Ah, nothing. Ok now i know i asked this last week, but are you for sure that you aren't related to the barista at the coffee shop? because you two look exactly alike. It's messin' me up man."

"I'll assure you that i am not related to the barista in the shop." she replied with a laugh. 

"If you say so, I'm still not convinced though." I said taking a seat beside her behind the counter. 

"Oh yeah? What about Resident French Fuckboy 'cross the street? He looks like just you just with his hair in a bun." she said, fiddling with my hair in the process. 

"I've been to France, but i swear i didn't bring my 'long lost twin' with me" 

"I'm 100% convinced that you two are related just never met before." she said spinning in her swivel chair. 

"I 100% believe that situation with you and Maria." I shot back with a little giggle. 

"Dude, what if that french guy walked in and was like 'yo I'm your twin brother, oui oui, baguette'" 

"I don't speak fluent french, but I'm sure he wouldn't end that type sentence with 'yes yes, bread'" i responded laughing 

"What if he's faking being french? you never know man" she said sipping her water.

Before i could say anything back, someone walked into the store. He didn't make eye contact with, let alone even look at us, and headed straight to the back where the action/adventure movies and games were. 

Strange Encounters-JeffMadsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant