10. The Sunlight Didn't...

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a/n: a short, but VERY IMPORTANT chapter.



The sunlight didn't shine through the curtains this morning. It seemed like it would be a bit gloomy today. I shifted a bit to get up, but stopped, realizing there was a pair of arms around my waist. I had almost forgotten James let me into the bed with him. I laid back down next to him, which caused him to pull me closer. That resulted in a giggle from me. Even asleep, he was adorable. 

I started to think about what all had been said last night, when he started making a grunting noise. After a few seconds of grunting and stretching, he looked up at me. 

"Morn in' Tommy. You sleep well?" he asked, his voice groggy from just waking up. 

"I sleep just fine. And you?" 

"Just as well as you." he said smiling up at me. We then laid back down again, just staring at the ceiling in a comfortable silence. 


"Yes, Thomas?" 

"What did I say last night?" 

"Well, you told me about your little sister Lucy and how you-"

"No, I mean after that whole conversation."

"Oh, well, you uh- you told me you loved me. In which, if you were just saying it by being caught up in the moment then that's ok, I just want you to know tha-" 

"I wasn't caught in the moment, James. I just didn't know if i actually said it or if it was just a dream."

"Oh, well, it wasn't a dream." he said, grabbing my hand. "And, I love you too, Thomas."

He brought my hand up and kissed it lightly, making my cheeks flush a deep red. 

"So that part wasn't a dream either? When you said you felt the same towards me?"

"No Tommy. That wasn't a dream either. I really do feel the same way." 

"So, what does this make us?" 

"Well, whatever you would want us to be. We may have feelings for each other, but if you feel like we would be rushing things, then we don't have to move any further until you're ready."

I smiled at the fact that he cared more about what I wanted than anything. 

"Well, if we're moving at a pace, would you like to go on a date sometime? I mean, it wouldn't be fancy or anything, I can't really afford that. I'm sorry, but hey, there's nothing wrong with take out and a movie night, ri-" he cut me off and tilted my head slowly to face him. 

"I would love to go on a date with you. I would also prefer a take-out-movie-night date anyway." he said, placing a kiss on my cheek. 

"You sure? Because I could try and work extra to save up for a fancy dinner if you would like."

"Thomas, a date with just me and you watching silly movies is just as perfect as a fancy dinner. As long as I'm with you, anything is fine." he said. That calmed me down a bit. Though, I was still a bit nervous. I mean, sure, it wouldn't be much, but I didn't want anything to go wrong. 

"When would you want to have it?"

"Well, I'm free this Friday. Would that be ok?" he asked

"Yeah, that'll be fine. I'm off shift that day anyway." I said showing a warm smile. 

"Sounds good." he said, returning the smile. 

"I'm feeling a bit hungry. You want something? Cause I'm fix in' some easy mac." I said, slowly getting up.

"No thanks, but thanks for the offer." he said with a laugh. I walked into the kitchen, starting the mac and cheese. As I started to put the little cup in the microwave, I heard James start talking. I figured not to snoop. It was probably a phone call, and I'm not gonna eavesdrop on the conversation. 

As the mac and cheese finished, I heard a small thud, which sounded like a phone dropping. I didn't think anything of it. I drop my phone all the time. But, once I started to stir the cheese into the noodles, I heard a louder thud. That's what got my attention. 

"James?" I called out.

No answer. 

"James? Everything ok?" I called out again, slowly making my way to the bedroom door. 

Still no answer. 

I walked in to see James in the floor on his knees. He had a hand on his forehead, the other hand behind him for support, and tears streaming down his face. 

He didn't have a sad expression though. He looked more shocked and confused. 

Quickly, I rushed to his side, wrapping an arm around his waist, while the other caressed his cheek, wiping the tears away from his eyes. 

"James? What happened? Is everything ok?" 

"I-I-I d-don't have a p-place to live." he said slowly, with a shaky voice. 

"What?" I was shocked at what he said.

"I've been st-struggling with r-rent recentl-ly. Th-The landlord was f-fed up and found s-someone else wh-who will pay rent on t-time. I've been k-kicked out of my h-home, again." 

After saying the last part, tears started flowing out of his eyes faster. He then slowly wrapped his arms around my waist, and cried softly into my shoulder. 

"James, I'm so sorry. You can stay here with me, ok? I'll take care of you."

"It's not your fault Thomas. Don't be sorry. And thank you for the offer, but I shouldn't. I would just be a burden." It broke my heart to hear him speak of himself like that. He would never be a burden. Who would make someone like him believe such a thing like that?

"James, you're anything but a burden. If anything, you lift my burdens. With you, I was able to talk about something I could barely even write down. You've helped me, and now I would like to help you." 

"Thomas really, it's fi-"

"James, it's ok. I don't mind." I said, hugging him a bit tighter. 

"Thank you Thomas. You've done a lot for me."

"Anything for you, Jemmy. Anything for you." 


a/n: that was pretty gay. so, for the set up, they now are going to live with each other, and they're goin on a date. niiiice. 

hope y'all are enjoyin this so far! dms always open :)- urbrodotco x

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