8. After a while...

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A/N: yoo, it's been a while for this one,,,

don't worry this is gonna be really long and really gay, I'm making up for the absence.

also, n e w  c h a r a c t e r s ,, bless


~Thomas' POV until a change is stated~

After a while of watching D.I.P. (Death In Paradise), I started to get tired. Peggy had fallen asleep about 2 episodes ago. Her loud snores gave it away. I almost fell asleep, though she woke me. Her feet were sprawled across my lap, and she must've been having a bad dream 'cause she kicked my in the cheek. I mean, it wasn't a hard enough to do any harm. It hurt like a bitch though.

I figured that it was getting late, so I slowly lifted Peggy's legs off my lap, and got up to clean up. Neither of us finished our dinner, so I grabbed the nearest sharpie, wrote our names on our boxes, and shoved them in the fridge. We could eat them for lunch or something tomorrow.

After putting our food up, I washed our water glasses. Then, I picked her up and took her the bedroom, placing her gently on the bed. As I lifted back up, I checked the alarm clock on the bedside table.

2.00 am. Oh Dear.

I had to get some sleep, my shift started back tomorrow. Peggy's, also. She decided that she would go back tomorrow while we ate and watched TV. Her reasoning, she didn't like being cooped up in the apartment all day, and started to feel better anyway. I knew my alarm on my phone was on, so I didn't bother to check it. Once I got on a pair of shorts, I laid down in my little palette. Slowly, but surely, I drifted off the sleep.

-time skip to them waking up lmao

I woke up to my alarm. I didn't get much sleep. 2 am to 5 am isn't much at all. Though, it was work at the DVD store, I could catch up on my sleep there. Slowly, I got up and attempted to wake up Peggy.

"Peggy, dude, Pegs, get up. We gotta make money." I said nudging her.

"Thomas, if you keep shaking me, I will not hesitate to roundhouse kick you all the way to the store." she said slowly lifting up.

"We got bills to pay get changed." I said walking to my closet. I pulled out a pair of black sweats and a grey sweatshirt.

"What are you gonna wear anyway? You don't have clothes here." I asked once I got my clothes on.

"My sweats and this sweater. I've worn this for a day, it's fine." she said referring to what she was wearing currently. She wasn't wrong. The whole time she'd been here she'd worn a shirt and a pair of gym shorts of mine.

"Alright, well, I'm gonna head down there. I may stay in the coffee shop until the shift starts. I'll call you when you should head here. That cool?"

"Yeah, see you in a bit Tommy." she said laying back down a bit.

With that, I grabbed my phone off the charge, shoved it into my pocket with my keys, grabbed my bag, and headed out the door. I didn't bother to look at the screen when it unplugged. I would've needed it for the time, I just didn't bother to check. I knew I was early.

The walk to the shop was nice and peaceful. I was still dark out, so I got to see the stars on the way. When I got to the door, I unlocked it and stepped in. Nothing was different. Everything was in the same place. Just as it was the last time I was in there. I stepped in, placing my bag behind the counter, and pulling out my wallet, pulling out some cash to get buy my coffee. When I walked up to the door, I saw that it was closed.

Or so, the door was locked, which usually meant the store was closed. I didn't think I was that early, so I decided to just walk back to the store. Though, before I was out around the corner, I heard the familiar bell of the coffee shops door opening.

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