2. Peggy Came Crying...

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A/N) yooo i got a cover how lit is that


Peggy came crying at my apartment door. As soon as i opened it up, she looked up and flung herself into a hug, holding on tightly. It surprised me at first, but i hugged back. I lead her in, shutting the door behind me, and sat her on the couch. As i sat down, she brought me into a hug again, crying into my shoulder. It took a few minutes for her to start calming down. Slowly, she started to cry less, but she was still shaking.

"Hey, what happened? Do you need a place to stay tonight? I'll take the floor tonight. I'm sure you don't want or need to be alone right now." I told her in the most soothing voice i could.

She shifted a bit so that her face wasn't in my shoulder, but she was still clung to me.

"Thomas, you know how i stay at the store after you leave?"

"Yeah, what happened?"

"I was about to walk out the door when i saw my dad across the street-cause you know, they live a town over and shop here quite a bit. He saw me as well. The face he gave me was terrifying, then he started to walk towards the store, so i locked it and ran to the back. My apartment is further than yours so i figured i would come here. I'm sorry Thomas. I really am. i don't have to stay, I can go." she said wiping her tears.

"No it's ok. You know i'm always here. You can take the bed. I'll sleep on the floor. And if you need anything at all, you can wake me." I told her.

"Thank you, Thomas. You have no idea how much i appreciate this."

She hugged me again before hella yawning.

"You need sleep. You've had a rough night. You can borrow one of my shirts ok?"

"Ok, thank you."

I lead her to the room and gave her a shirt. She went and changed in the bathroom, so while she was changing, i grabbed what i would need to sleep. Like blankets and pillows and stuff.

While she was in there, she asked "Hey, how come there's a little bit of red stuff on the sink?"

I started to tug on my sleeves a bit, I wasn't sure what to say. So i played it off as if i didn't here her so i would have more time to think of an excuse.

"Thomas? You there?" she said swinging her head out of the door.

"Uh yeah, you need something?"

"I asked ya how come there was red stuff on the sink"

"Oh, well, i had a, uhh, a nosebleed earlier. But we're good now. No more bleeding!" I said giving a grin and a thumbs up.

I went and got a rag and started cleaning it up to avoid any further questions about it. Once i got that done, i went into the room to see Peggy sound asleep in the bed. Well, more or less, she was snoring very loudly. 

I decided to grab a small snack to eat before going to sleep. Although that didn't end well. It didn't stay down for long. I settled for a glass of water for the night. After gulping it down to wash out the after taste of the snack coming up, I filled the glass again, along with another glass for Peggy, and took them to the room. I sat them down on the bedside table and fixed a little palette for myself and tried to sleep. I couldn't seem to become tired though. So i was sat there thinking for most of the night. 

I couldn't get the boy from the store out of my head. He was beautiful. 

I kept debating with myself about him.

 "He seemed really nice. I should try to get his number next time." 

"Um what if he's homophobic???? First, you wouldn't get away from what happened in high school, second, you would have some random New Yorker out on the streets glaring at you if he ever sees you again." 

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