3. I woke up...

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A/N) tbh im gonna upload so much, cos i thought it would be once a week, but i love writing too much to delay it. so I'll upload whenever i get a chance :) 


I woke up in the middle of the night, i checked my phone and it was 1:47. No matter how hard i tried, i couldn't fall back asleep. I decided this would be a good time to find the yellow colored pencil.

I searched pretty much everywhere. Under the bed, in my dresser drawers, the kitchen, between the couch cushions, i just couldn't find the damn thing. Since i couldn't find it, i decided to run down to The Late Night Store. 

It was a little store that was open at night for people that need a certain thing late at night. It was a really neat store, though I've only been in it once. 

I slipped on a pair of sweats, and a hoodie so that i looked a bit presentable and didn't freeze. I'm still not used to the chilly weather up here. Virginia was quite a bit warmer. I pulled my hair up though. It was a mess and i was not about to walk in public looking a mess.

Before i left, i wrote a note for Peggy incase she woke up. I didn't expect her to since she was snoring pretty loud, but, just in case ya'know. I don't want her to freakout if she sees I'm gone. 

Once i got the note written, i left it on the bedside table for her, then headed out.

The streets were quiet besides the generators and the few passing cars. Barely any shops were open. It was nice and peaceful. 

Once i reached the shop, i entered, signaling a bell that frightened the man behind the counter. 

He didn't look like anyone I'd seen before. As i was shopping, looking for a pack of colored pencils, he got up and saw me. He then said "Dude what the fuck Lafayette, you know that if you come here you have to text me and tell me so that i won't be woke by the bell."

I turned with a confused look. Who in the world is Lafayette?

"Um, I'm sorry. I'm not your friend. My name's Thomas." I said 

He looked at me with this shocked face, like he couldn't believe i wasn't his friend.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry. You look exactly like my friend. Like the resemblance is creepy man." He said with nervous laugh

"Wait, is your friend french?" 

"Uh yeah, you know Lafayette?"

"No, well, kinda. He works across the street from where i work. My friend that works with me says he look like he's my long lost twin." i told him with a little laugh. 

"Goodness, well, I'll let ya get to shopping. If there's anything i can help you with just let me know." he said with a smile.

"Um, actually, do you guys have colored pencils? if so, where would they be?"

"Yes we do, they're an isle over on the bottom right part of the shelf." 

"Thank you!"

I went and grabbed the biggest pack of colored pencils-which happened to be a 12 pack-and went to pay for 'em. He seemed like a very nice guy as when i was walking out he said he hoped to see me again sometime. 

On my walk back, it was around 2:30, and i still couldn't manage to get tired. So decided to walk to park since i didn't stay after work last night. When i got there, i saw the boy from the store sitting on the bench. He seemed to be asleep as he didn't have any earbuds in and his eyes were closed. 

I really didn't want to wake him, but the poor kid was shivering. So a gave him a little tap on the shoulder. He jumped a bit, and tried to smack my hand, but seemed to be relieved that it was me once he looked up. 

Strange Encounters-JeffMadsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt