7. I waited...

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A/N) trigger warning for the whole chapter really

homophobic slurs, physical violence, self harm


I waited and waited for a response, but it didn't seem like he was going to answer.

I sat and tried to reason with myself, though it didn't do much. I convinced myself that Thomas wasn't ignoring me, I still wasn't sure why he wasn't responding though.

Flashbacks came flooding in, blurring everything.


"Son, you know I love you, right? You're one of the best kids a dad could ask for." Dad said.

"I love you too, Dad."

We had gone out for the day. He decided we needed to do something since he wasn't home much. Work had him busy most of the time. He only had a few days off before going back to work. He decided we would go to a baseball game, though, I wasn't a big fan of sports. Being able to see his smile was reassuring though. I knew he was stressed, so seeing him have a good time made it worth it. We currently were in the car headed home.

"Hey, uh, Dad?"


"Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, of course. What do you need?"

"Well, you'll love me no matter what right?"

"Yes, is everything alright?"

"There's something I have to tell you"

"Well, tell it. You're starting to worry me James."

"Dad, I'm gay."

He just laughed.

"Wow, you really had me scared. I thought you really needed to tell me something. That was a good one, glad to know my smart kid has a good sense of humor."

"No, Dad. I'm serious. I'm gay."

"Ok, this joke is going too far, you're gonna make me think you really are gay now."

"I am, I am gay."

"You can't be serious." he said, anger showing in his voice.

"I'm serious."

He didn't speak for the rest of the ride. We sat in an uncomfortable silence. A mixture of fear and anger was all that was in the car with us. The love and joy between a dad and his son was gone. Now, it was a man with hate in his eyes. And, a boy with fear running through him. It usually wasn't a long ride home, but, it felt like hours this time. As we pulled in, I started to get out, when he grabbed my arm and yanked me back in the car.

"This is your only chance to redeem yourself. Are you gay?" he growled.

"Yes. And I can't change that. It's who I am. I've learned to accept it myself, and I am hoping you can accept me as well."

"You're gonna regret this." he said pushing me away.

I walked in the door, rushing to my room. I didn't know the man that I was with anymore. He was a stranger now. I've never seen him this angry. He was right, I did regret coming out. I didn't know what to expect from here on. I didn't think it would be a problem. I sat on my bed, my head in my hands, when my door flung open.

He yanked me off the bed and hit me several times.

"I had pride in you. I was proud to call you my son" he kicked my feet out from under me. I was now on the ground.

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