9. After Hearing...

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A/N: lmao I have no plan for this chapter, I'm just writing as I go. I'm sick gimme a break y'all.

tw: mentions of self harm, and maybe some homophobic slurs.



After hearing what Thomas said to the couple that had walked in, I felt my cheeks heat up with a blush. To try and hide it, I shifted a bit to lay my head on my arms. After a little movement, I now knew that the chair my head was on had wheels. It rolled out from beneath me, which sent me crashing into the floor. Did a bit of damage. Thomas, while laughing a little, bent down to ask if I was ok.

"Bud, that was quite a fall there, you alright?" he said taking a seat next to where I had landed.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine." I said with a little laugh as well. Although, I was a bit embarrassed. As I started to lift up, my thighs started to sting, and badly. I yelped a bit, and fell back where I laid. This time, Thomas was concerned if I was alright.

"James? Are you ok?"

"My thighs, they sting. Badly. But I'll be fine, don't worry." I said, showing a small smile.

I regretted saying anything, I'm sure it's fine. Just hurts a little from the fall combined with last night. I rolled over to try and sit up, but I saw that something red leaked through my pants.

Not good. Definitely not good. Anything but good.

Thomas noticed, and his eyes widened at the sight. Quickly, he stood up and went to his bag and pulled out a little white box.

"W-What's that?" I asked.

"A little first aid kit. It stays in my bag at all times. Along with a change of clothes. Like a pair of old sweats and a t-shirt." he said walking towards me. "Here, I'll help you get cleaned up." he said holding his hand out to help me up.

Hesitantly, I took it, and slowly pulled myself up. Each movement sent sharp pains to my thighs. I winced at the pain and felt my eyes start to fill up with tears.

"You got it?" He asked wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Yeah, I'm good." I said flinging my arm around his shoulders.

He helped me towards the back and into a bathroom. Once in there, he helped me sit on the lid of the toilet (A/N: how nice. backroom toilet seat. if that ain't goals), saying as it hurts like hell to move. Once sat down, he pulled out some gauze from the little first aid kit and handed it over to me.

"I'm not sure if you're comfortable with me looking at them, so, if you would like, I'll turn around so you can wrap it up. Would you like my extra pair of sweats to wear? I don't mind letting you use 'em. I have plenty pairs at home."

"If you don't mind, that would be nice."

"Alright, I'll run get them real quick. While I'm gone, wash up and wrap up your thigh. I'll be back in a sec." he said walking out. I did as he said. I slipped off the stained sweats, and cleaned off the cuts with a paper towel and some water, then wrapped it up. Soon after, he knocked.

"Am I good to come in?"

"Yeah, you're good." He came in after I said that. He looked at the wrap to see if I had it on tight enough. Then, he handed me the pants and folded mine up neatly. As I slid them on, it came to me that they were a slight bit big. The ties help out though. Thomas then helped me up from the seat, and helped me back into the front room. He then laid me back down on the chairs.

"I don't have to lay down, I can sit up so that you can have a seat."

"No, it's ok. You need the rest. You've had a rough night. I honestly would rather sit on the floor." he said sitting down on beside me.

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