Chapter 20

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It's very cold, but my jumpsuit sleeves help me stay warm.
A frigid wind is blowing snow and cold air into my face and eyes. My eyes were drying but I see a light in the distance that looks like a cabin, but it's hard to tell.
I go against the wind to the cabin, hoping it's worth it. I bring my bag close to my chest to try to keep warm. I tread in the snow, slowly.
The cabin gets closer and closer, but I still feel miles away.
My feet are freezing and I'm regretting the choice of going into the snow, but the cabin is so close I can feel it's warmth.
Then, I notice two people standing outside the cabin. Oddly, there's some grass and flowers surrounding the cabin. In the middle of a snowstorm.
Eventually I get close enough to notice that the people aren't normal.
One has huge ears, bigger than I have ever seen,a green pointy hat, with a brown ball hanging off, like a Santa hat, and is wearing a matching green robe with a brown leather belt. His hands are abnormally big. He has red hair, freckles and a huge smile plastered on his pale face.
The other is a dark yellow color. He (or she?) has small, round, trumpet-like ears and splotches of dark green on their face. The person has a tuft of curly brown hair on their round head. The person is wearing an oversized white t-shirt and nothing else. Their hands are behind their back. The person looks uneasy, nervous, scared even.
I approach them cautiously, trying to come up with something to say.
"Hey," I say, nervously.
"What is your business here?" The elf-like one asks in a high pitched British accent.
"Can I go in the cabin?" I ask.
"Sorry, but that cannot happen right now, may I take your name?" The other asks. The person sounds like a girl, but it's hard to tell.
"Zoey Riggs?" I say, questionably.
Suddenly, someone pops out of the cabin.
"ZOEY! OMG! COME IN!" She calls. It's Jazzy, AKA, the cookie girl.
I enter the cabin. It has a gentle glow. The inside is furnished with some wooden chairs and benches and a fireplace that's blocked off. It's small, but cozy. There's two other people inside, a girl and a boy. The boy has a green streak while the girl has a white streak.
"Oh! Lemme introduce you to everyone!" Jazzy cheers. "Ok so outside were my two guards, Gerald, the elf, and Georgette, the ogre." I smile at the creativity of the names. "And here is Lizzy and Evan, Lizzy is a life Elemental and Evan is a earth Elemental!" She explains. "Take a seat!" She gestures towards a nice wooden bench.
"Thanks," I say. "Uh, how did you get this place?"
"Well, it was snowy and cold, and the trees were just a few feet-or miles- away, so as an earth Elemental, I just used my powers to cut down the trees and place them like this," Evan says, pointing to a wall. "Only earth Elementals can do that, not puny water ones,"
"That's impressive," I say, ignoring the snarky comment."What about the ogre and elf?"
"I made the ogre and the elf," Jazzy begins.
"And I gave them life," Lizzy says, as she does jazz hands. "AKA personality and the ability to talk," she continues.
"Wow, that's awesome, what about the fire?" I ask, scared about a fire Elemental.
"There was this girl," Jazzy starts.
"Her name was...Ember," Lizzy continues.
"And she stopped by, made a fire, and disappeared into the woods," Evan ends the sentence.
"Ember?" I say, perking up. "How long ago was she here?"
"Hard to tell, maybe a day or so,maybe less, not sure," Evan says, clearly annoyed. The others nod in agreement.
"Do you know her?" Lizzy asks.
"Oh, uh, yeah," I answer, not expecting a question. They all look at each other, confused, and look back.
"How long do you plan to stay?" Evan asks.
"Not long, um, maybe just a day, or until this storm passes," I say, pointing towards the door.
"Want me to stop it?" Evan asks. The girls look at Evan angrily.
"Where's the hospitality?" Jazzy asks, annoyed. "Stay as long as you'd like Zoey," she continues.
"Thank you so much, is there anywhere to sleep?" I ask them. Lizzy points to a corner with a pillow.
"We found it in a chest," Lizzy says. I smile and lay down, this day was way too long.
I wake up to the smell of something burning. Groggily, I sit up and rub my eyes. I open them to find the cabin burning. I blink hard, hoping it's a dream, but it's not. I quickly stand up and grab my bag.
"JAZZY!" I call.
"Zoey!" I hear in the distance.
"LIZZY!" I yell.
"WE'RE HERE!" I hear. I see a figure come closer to me. It's them. I run towards them as fast as possible. When I make it to them we run out of the snow. In the distance I see a desert, which I hope is better than snow.
We slow down once we are at safe distance away from the burning cabin.
"Where-where's Evan," I say, out of breath.
"He, uh-left," Jazzy responds, also out of breath.  Lizzy nods, her lip quivering.
"What's wrong?" I ask, as I start to catch my breath. Lizzy shakes her head and continues to walk forward alone.
"She was kinda, sorta dating Evan, just don't mention it to her, let's go," Jazzy says, calmly. That was rare. She was never calm.
"Are you ok?" I ask Jazzy as we begin to walk forward.
"Evan burned down the cabin," she blurts out. I stop.
"He wanted to...eliminate you, he doesn't trust you," she says. I hear sadness in her voice. We continue walking. "I saw Evan get up early and break the glass separating the fire from the cabin. Then he ran away, into the forest," she continues. I sigh.
"Sorry," I whisper. "It's my fault." She shakes her head.
"No, no, it's him, he's just like that, I'm sorry for how he treated you," she says quickly. We walk in silence, with Lizzy in front of us.
We're slowly getting closer and closer to the desert. I can already feel the sun and heat. It feels good, not like fire.
The color of the snow gets darker and darker until it suddenly is sand. The sand is hot and makes my feet feel toasty. It's a big change, going from freezing cold to blazing hot, but I could get used to it.
"We're HERE!" Jazzy cheers, returning to her normal self.
"Finally," is all I can think of saying after all the dead silence. We find a cave that indents into the ground and go in there. I make it cooler by making some ice, but it melts really quick.
Night comes fast so we sleep. Or at least try to. It's hard with the sound of snakes slithering around us, the squeaks of mice , and the scratch sand beneath us.
Although all the noises are annoying, it's the most sleep I've gotten in days.

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