Chapter 1: Shit Shoveller

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"Oi! Get ova here and clean this horse crap!" Shouted Tanner, the manager of the farmhouse. We mostly sold horses to the neighboring town, Longdale. It was a small town, a couple dozen different families. It was officially ruled by Jarl Thorald, but he was often caught in wars, so instead it was managed by a local minor noble, of whom the town despised, Sven. I talk of these powerful figures, but what do I do all day? Well, shovel shit. I'm basically paid in it too. I've never had even a chance to do anything worthwhile with my life. "I said get over here Arnvir!" I sigh, and make my way over to Tanner and grab my shovel. Tanner is an immigrant from Verethin, a small, mostly neutral faction. I'm from Abigorn originally, but we both found our way into Terriven seeking adventure, we actually met up along the way. Instead of some brilliant adventurous life, we ended up where we are now. Shoveling shit... I came here up north so I could finally get some combat in my life, I aspire to be a warrior. Terriven is probably the most aggressive kingdom out of all of them, we're vikings. I was hoping I could get recruited, and I was briefly in training in the town militia in Longdale until I broke my leg in training. I'm still in recovery, and still technically a part of the town militia, but I limp around everywhere... They say I'm not useful enough to help around there, so I spend my entire day shoveling shit.

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