Chapter 6: The Journey

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The early dawn sun rose, and pierced through my closed eyes. I got up, gathered my belongings, and prepared to depart to Azercine with Tanner. In a couple days time, we had made our way to our next stop. A large city, Lerwick. The city is located beside a huge lake and spans between all 3 kingdoms. From here we would take a boat across the lake, instead of going through the perilous land trail. Verethin was wrought with danger these days, riots were happening in a lot of the larger cities, because of a new import tax on goods. Verethin depended on trade, and was a coastal kingdom. Verethinians were traders at heart and could always find themselves getting their side of a deal. They could do anything from haggle a florin or two, to lead great armies into battle with their charisma. Taking a boat instead of travelling up through Verethin along the coast to Terriven would be much safer. We made our way to the dock, only to see the impact of this tax first hand. Tanner and I witnessed a man being mugged in an alleyway at the docks, be we chose to mind our own business. We docked a rather shady looking boat, and we quickly got the idea that perhaps this wasn't the best choice. We had no other option, so we got aboard and found a nice spot on the galley of the boat. We shared some stories about each other, and I came to respect this man. He used to be a war veteran, and from what I hear, he had the same aspirations as I did when he was young. He wanted adventure, but he never got any. His days as a war veteran were under the defensive line. The most action he ever had was facing a band of raiders, he could hardly be called a war "veteran"

After a couple hours of talking, we heard some yelling from up above us, we overheard a couple of sentences

"I won't pay ye damn "fees" now get away from me!"

"Then pay in somethin' else, you got some "travellers" down there don't ya? I bet they'd fetch a good price."

"I won't let you take them either!"

"Then I'll take your family."

"You can't do this to me!"

That's when we realized we needed to find a way off the boat. Before we could devise a plan, a man came up to us, with an Abigorn symbol on his coat. We inquired what the yelling was, and before we could get an answer, we were both hit over the head with a shovel from behind.

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