Chapter 8: The Fight

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From what I could tell, neither of us were apt fighters for this. Especially since we were unarmed. I whispered to Aesa "Grab that whip in the center of the room, I'll grab a shovel"

"A shovel!?!? What good will that do!"

The captain noticed our plan when Aesa decided it was smart to shout this. He quickly advanced Aesa, but I tackled him before he could get to her. Aesa grabbed the whip and was able to stand her ground. I ran to the corner and grabbed a shovel. The captain noticed me and turned to face me, his mistake. Aesa thrashed his back, and as she did, I readied my shovel. I swung as hard as I could with the sharpest part of my shovel, and drove it into his leg. Aesa kept whipping him until he was on the floor; I raised my shovel and with a hard strike, hit his head. Blood was all over the floor, but he was down. I rushed over to Tanner and cut his bindings.

"Who's this old guy?" Aesa asks

"This old guy is why i'm alive, will you stop questioning me? We're kind of busy escaping."

I yell out to anyone else in this room, and we get a few more followers. I pick up the captain's sword, a well balanced blade. I try and spin it and give it a few swings, but embarrassingly drop it

"How smart of you"

"Shut up Aesa"

I hand my shovel to Tanner, and we go up the stairs. On the way, Tanner grabs his bags.

We climb up another level and finally saw the sunlight, However, we were on an entirely different boat, our original boat was still docked with the slaver ship. It was a much smaller vessel, and easier to take control of. However, we had some trouble to deal with on the top deck. Several sailors saw us and sprinted towards us. As one ran at me, I plunged my sword into his head. Aesa still just had a whip, but it was still useful for fending off sailors. We slowly retreated as the sailors encroached. We boarded the other boat, and met the captain of this vessel. We recognized his voice as the one who was being yelled at. He was sympathetic enough, and was delighted at the news of the other captains death. He told his sailors to break ties with the slaver boat and sail to Terriven

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