Chapter 17: War

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I spent the days on the march with Harrison, mostly in his horse-drawn medical cart. There was barely even space for me, not to mention Harrison treating my wounds while in a bumpy cart. Every once in awhile our movement would stop, and we would come to a halt at night. This seemingly perpetual movement made treating my wounds hard, so I was stuck to the cart for months during the march. Aesa and Ulfar were worried about me, and Tykir got out a lot faster than I did, and he was worried about me too. He was the only one who knew what I went through, he was understanding. Aesa was always trying to cheer me up, after what I'd been through I wasn't sure I could be happy for awhile.

"You'll be fine soon enough, come on, we'll get right back into sparing!" Aesa said with a cheerful tone.

"Leave me alone, okay?"

"Alright... bad mood huh?"

"Sit, I'll tell you what I went through. Maybe then you'll realize."

I recited the story, from beginning to end, in depth.

"Well... way to ruin my day."


"Just kidding, that's... horrible."

"You're always like that..."

"What do you mean?"

"Joking around about serious things, like you don't care."

"Well, I do care. You're the one who found me and carried me along with you and Tanner. You're the reason I have this opportunity in the military. I owe you so much, so what can I do for you?"


"Seriously though, cheer up!"

She left the cart, finally leaving me at peace. I fell back into my sleep and rest for the night.

I woke in the night to the sound of swords meeting shields, the yells of soldiers and the whizzing of arrows. I rose out of my bed, and armed myself with my two swords. I ran outside, and I saw a huge blur of people, I ran into the crowd and swung, like a tornado of swords. Swing after swing after swing, chopping men's limbs, chests, even faces. My side was on fire, I looked down and saw real flames, and a fiery arrow in my side. I saw Aesa, Tykir, and Ulfar over across a field of enemies, I saw an arrow go through Tykir's shoulder, and soldiers encroaching on their position, a sea of shiny silvery mail shone in the moonlight, and blood spattered across the ground. A soldier threw a javelin at them, and it soared through the air, directly into Ulfar's chest. Aesa was the only one left standing, backing up and fending off the soldiers with her sword, until one of them thrust their sword into her throat. Rage filled me, and my body turned to fire. I charged into the heart of their army and sliced through them. I made my way to their corpses, and shone with a bright celestial light. The Abigorn army seemed to never end, and they kept coming to me. I hit the ground and a tear in the ground appeared, and created a ditch around me. I simply sat there at the corpses of my friends, and cried.

Suddenly it all ended, I drearily opened my eyes, to see Harrison standing over me with a look of urgency on his face. I regained my senses, to finally comprehend what is happening. Harrison was in chain mail, a pale suit of dirty links, caked with what I could only imagine was a mixture of mud, and blood. He was wearing a steel helm with a shield and sword, I almost never saw Harrison in actual armor. His mouth was moving but I could barely hear the words he spoke.

"We are under attack! Get up god dammit!"

Flustered, I rose with Harrison, he shoved my equipment into my arms, and I pulled out my dual swords. We emerged from the cart, to see a horrific battlefield. The moon was out, glinting off the swords and armor of the soldiers. Horrible screams echoed throughout. I was barely in a shape to fight, so Harrison was trying to rush us out.

"Let's get to safety, you're not fit to fight."

"We need to find my friends, I won't leave them here, I've gone through enough to try and keep them safe."

"Fine... If you die, it's your own damn fault!"

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