Chapter 13: Consequences

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I wake up again in the morning, this time I'm welcomed to Aesa over my face. Harrison, The quartermaster, estimated I wouldn't be well enough in time to come with the army. Nor would Ulfar, so I guess I won.

In another week, the army packed up the camp, and moved west. Harrison moved Ulfar and I to the Militia in Longdale. Aesa chose to stay behind with me.

Now I can walk around without feeling pain, but I still can't run... or get punched in the ribs, which Aesa didn't seem to understand. Ulfar isn't doing well either, but we all keep our training as best we can. We met Tykir, a young 14 year old. He Idolized us.

"You're actual soldiers!? That's amazing!"

"Calm down kid we aren't heros" said Ulfar, surprisingly modestly

"Wow! And a girl serving under Jarl Thorald!?"

Aesa strikes a heroic pose. Tykir had pitch-black hair and green eyes, he is about 5ft, and the most determined person I've ever met. He knows nothing about the horrors of actual combat. We get a letter from Harrison telling us they'd be back in 2 months, and by the time I was fully recovered we still had a full month and a half left. Tykir was desperate to get our attention, he wanted to train with us and spar us all the time, but we didn't want to hurt him. Tykir follows us everywhere, he wants to come with us when the army arrives back. Since we have no other option, and the days are boring, we mostly spent our time together as a group of four. Soon enough, Ulfar respected me, and I respected him. We were all friends, and we all kept practicing day and night.

The army came back yesterday, and Tykir begged us to talk to the Jarl about recruiting him. Since we were friends, Aesa, Ulfar, and I all gave our recommendations. Tykir began his training, and we didn't get to see him much.

Ulfar and I were sparring a lot recently, and I was consistently winning with my dual swords technique. Problem is, I could barely move after beating him. My official gear was still just a sword and shield, so I asked Harrison to make me a new sword. He was a pretty good smith, so I didn't think I'd bother with the local smiths in Longdale. His work took a week, but the result was an elegant, finely balanced sword with a sharp steel blade and a bronze handguard that arched on either side and split, the ends of the handguard each bore the head of bear. The hilt was an intricate design of Terriven's insignia, and the handle was wrapped in black leather. By the time he had finished, we were already packing our bags. We had a real war on our hands. The Terriven council declared war on Abigorn for their coastal settlement on the southern island of Skipalon. Verethin lords have reported Abigorn forces burning their villages and encroaching on their borders aswell, and since we are allies with Verethin, the council thinks we might be able and take Skipalon while they are distracted. 

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