Chapter 21: A New Life

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I guess Harold was wrong, I was taken to a nice, well furnished room. A high ranking officer was in the room, looking out a large, lavish piece of stained window.


I saw the back of his dark, greyish blonde hair, and light skin. He turned around to reveal an aged face and dull, multicolored eyes.

"Ehm... who are you?"

"I suppose I'll give you that privilege. I'm Lord Richard."

"A lord? Talking to a prisoner? What do you want?"

"Reports say you're a great warrior..."

"So you want to recruit me?"

"If you succeed my test, yes."

"What makes you think I'd ever join you!?"

"Well, I know you are from Abigorn. I know more about your past than you."

"What do you mean?"

"If you join me, I suppose I'll share that information with you."

"I guess I don't have a choice do I?"

"Well, unless you want excessive amounts of pain followed by death."

I had to do what he said... no matter how much it pains me. Maybe I can try and run someday, but for now, I've got to comply.

"You have 100 troops against an army of 120, they are in a valley. What action do you take as a commander?"

"Commander...? What?"

"What action do you take?"


"Quit fumbling, What action do you take!?"

"Lead the footman in front, send the cavalry around the ridge and down from the side in the valley, and have a detachment of archers based on a close hill with footman to guard."

"Hmm... Good, that's your tactical question of the day. Now let's go to the courtyard, I want to see your prowess."

We moved into the courtyard, however, I was very confused.

"We will be using wooden weapons, choose your arms."

I picked up two, balanced wooden swords.

"Interesting strategy..." Richard mutters

He picks up large wooden staff. We take our places in a fancy, stone lined sparring area. He doesn't say go, he just swings, and I manage to half block, half dodge and manage to deflect the swing, just barely. He comes with another attack, hitting my leg with a lot of force. I was too busy on the defense to be able and strike him at all, he kept up a relentless, unbreakable offense. Finally, he struck me in the stomach, and I fell to the ground. He swung at me again, this time in my head. I was able to roll, just barely.

"S..s.. Stop.." I was able to say while panting.

Of course, he kept on striking, and striking. I was miserably rolling on the ground, constantly getting hit. Eventually I got up with a newfound determination, and managed to block several of his attacks. I swung at his chest, and managed to get a pretty hard hit in, and he backed off, and held his staff straight vertically and hit the ground.

"Very good duel... you still have much to learn. I'll send someone to guide you to your new quarters. We can't have you in some wretched cell."

"Uhm.. Thanks."

He whistled, and a guard in heavy, beautifully decorated steel and gold armor escorted me to a long corridor, and into a doorway. Inside was an ornate marble floor and an exceptionally comfy bed, which I promptly collapsed on. I finally got some good sleep, which I hadn't gotten in ages.

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