Chapter 12: Rematch

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A week later and I'm proudly back in action, and this time prepared for action. I discussed my plan with Aesa

"He's too strong to fight straight on. I need to be fast on my feet and I can get the upperhand with a flurry of swings."

"I think you're overthinking this."

This is a point of pride to me at this point, I need to win.

"I've been practicing my footwork, I know I can do this!"

"Okay, Mr. Strategist"

I wait for Ulfar at the training grounds after dawn, before the training starts. I know he always tries to train a bit himself, So I think I might be able and intercept him here. Harrison knew my plan, and supplied me, as I asked, with two wooden swords. I set one on the ground in front of me, and readied my own

"What's going on here? Oh? You're back for more eh? You fool."

Again he requested a 1 on 1, so I granted his request. This time I was going to beat Ulfar to the ground. He pulls out his own wooden sword, so I guess the spare was going to go to waste. We promptly got prepared and set the boundaries for our arena. I swing first with a strong hit to lead him on, and he obviously blocks. He takes a swipe at my face, I duck and run behind him, but he sees my plan, he carries his swing behind him, and it hits be right in the chest. I found myself on the floor out of breath, I stumble upright, and get back into the fray. I feint him with a swing to his stomach, but hit his arm instead. He strikes at me, and I dodge back, only to lunge after his swing is out of the way. I swing twice and hit his chest with twice. He raises his sword and strikes me as hard as I would think to be humanly possible. I could've sworn I heard a bone breaking noise, and an intense pain in my ribs. My vision begins to fade as I lie on the floor. I try and get up, but fall back down. I wasn't done yet. I propped myself up with my sword, but he hits my leg as I rise.

"Ulfar! He's down! Have some honor!" I hear Aesa shout

I said I wasn't done.

"Ulfar... I'm not finished with you..." I mutter

"What? You're still up? Let me help you then."

He pushes me back to the floor with his sword. I struggle to rise again, and take my time to think. I saw the spare sword to my left. I regain my breath then roll quickly to my left and strike his side. He backs up a bit and I grab the spare sword. I manage to rise, limping. I gather all my strength, then rush him. In an exhausting flurry, I manage to bring him to the ground, and I too fall to the ground in extraordinary pain.

This time, I wake to no smirking faces staring over me. It's oddly dark and there is moonlight pouring through the cracks of the door. I look around, and see Ulfar next to me, he's still unconscious. I look around a bit more and spot a shovel and some medical supplies on a table next to Ulfar. I fill with regret, I hope I didn't kill him. I manage to fall back asleep in the night.

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